they taped over your mouth...

651 24 6

(Okay so the address is on the back of the sticky note. All the usual tws apply.)

Hanamaki's POV

(hours ago)

We finally arrive at the shockingly bougie apartment complex, seriously, what kind of 'big money' does this man come from? And why the hell would he want to kidnap Oikawa?

I can think of some reasons but quickly force them out of the forefront of my mind.

I cant lose hope, yea it sounds cheesy but once I stop thinking that Oikawa's okay, the realization will probably overwhelm me.

We don't bother to knock on this scumbags door, lol they don't deserve any 'decency' from us.

Kenma turns the handle and it opens without give, completely against my expectations.

Somethings wrong here.

What kind of kidnapper would leave their front door unlocked?

Either he's incredibly stupid or there's something much worse going on.

We walk through the hallways, they feel almost like no ones ever lived here. Like no one ever took the time to try and make the place 'home'.

There are no cobwebs on the mahogany walls but that somehow seems to further the feeling of emptiness, the hallways are long and really fuckin creepy.

"Am I the only one getting real bad vibes here..." I murmur, genuinely wondering under the guise of trying to lighten the mood.

Kenma gives me a 'no shit' look.

"Yea.... this is probably where 'Kawa has been trapped for the past-" I cut Kenma off, not really wanting to think about it.

"- no- like there's something else," I start "no ones here".

Kuroo looks at me, he also seems unnerved but still replies with,

"Yea, they're probably just picking up groceries or some shit.."

"No, why the hell would a presumably seasoned kidnapper leave the door unlocked?" He kidnapped Oikawa so seamlessly, he must be pretty used to this.

"Maybe he just made a mistake?" Kuroo counters.

"No no he's got a point, no kidnapper would leave the door unlocked with a captive in the house especially one as stubborn as 'Kawa." Kenma points out.

We continue throughout the house in unnerved silence, all starting to feel the so-eloquently-put 'bad vibes'.

At the end of the corridor is a door that's, strangely enough, ajar.

"Well that adds to the mood.."

Kenma sends me a withering glare.

"What, it's kinda creepy.."

"It's an open door. That's not weird." Kenma sighs.

"I'm just saying, it kinda looks out of place..." I mutter.

Kuroo looks at both of us, disappointed and obviously concerned that our banters gonna alert the owner of this complex..

"Don't worry Kuroo, he's not here, there wasn't anything in the driveway and the house is dead-silent."

He looks at me skeptically, obviously not really buying it.

We walk into what must be the bedroom and a yellow sticky-note catches my attention.

A yellow sticky-note on top of a phone...

On top of Oikawa's phone.....

What the hell.

I pick up the note.

And read.

" you have 24 hours to be at this address with a million dollars in cash or the bitch's mine to do whatever I want with. maybe i'll finally put his pretty ass to use. (: "

What the actual-

Oh no.

How the hell did his kidnapper know we'd be here.

The daunting note floats to the ground slowly, I watch it. Frozen in place after it slipped through my daft fingers.

 Frozen in place after it slipped through my daft fingers

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Last updated: August 13 2021

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