I'm So Sorry...

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So the song doesn't really work, but the title def does or will soon

Iwa's POV (when will it end? i dunno)

The rooms got pale grey walls, ones that are startlingly reminiscent to the place that Pretty Boy had been previously held captive...

Hopefully he won't make that connection.

The idiot is in the process of almost hyperventilating again... maybe it has something to do with my hand on his waist? After a short debate with my conscious, I decide that it'd be fine to release him from my grip (only after locking the only exit out of my room).

Oikawa's eyes widen again at this action, I can only imagine what potential scenarios are going on in his head right now... I really don't want to imagine.

He seems to be on his way into another full blown panic attack, but quickly stops it by digging his nail into his wrist, further agitating the mangled flesh.

Wait, fuck.

I quickly grab the brunettes arm, mindful of where the worst of the injuries are.  Pretty Boy looks at me with barely restrained surprise, eyes fearful but searing with a fierce defiance.

I stubbornly ignore the relief that floods through me after recognizing the latter expression.

Now onto the next predicament, where is he gonna sleep?

It seems cruel to make him sleep on the floor... but then again I'm gonna be killing this dude eventually...

I can't leave him in here after that little stunt he pulled back there. Can't risk him loosing any more blood.

And I'm certainly not gonna be sleeping on the floor... I mean I could... but he's my prisoner..


Why'd he have to try and escape? And why at the risk of his own health?? His own blood?!?

I mean, I know the answer obviously but still.

He really had to go and make this more difficult for the both of us. Really wanted to go out with a Bang.

Oikawa's now eerily calm, he's slumped in the furthest corner after having yanked himself out of my grasp, simultaneously trying to look smaller and more defiant as time goes on.

Finally, I decide it's now or never, buried so deep in my denial, I need to use him for his intended purpose..

Or else it'll all spiral, no more questioning. Maybe I can just keep him alive for food? (No other reason obviously, I just need his blood..) Is that cruel? Maybe. (Definitely) Am I still gonna do it? Most certainly. Why else would I not wanna kill him???

Yes, that must be it.

I need a steady source?

Oh god, he hasn't been fed since he got here, he'll probably pass out from lack of nutrition once I take some of his blood.. Not that I haven't tried to get him to eat...

Ugh, just gotta get this over with.. (I just gotta get him something sugary afterwards or something...? I've never really kept anyone alive after feeding but Matsukawa does so its pretty easy to remember the procedure.) I snap out of my reverie to glance over at Pretty Boy whose now crammed in the corner of the room, obviously struggling to not curl in on himself.

What have I done...

Wait no, stfu morals.

"Pretty Boy." I say in a fairly normal volume, tone intimidating though mostly unintentional. He looks up at me, apprehensive although it's clear he's attempting to glare.

I sigh loudly, giving up on false pretenses, "come here".

Obviously he's not gonna listen, all instincts are telling the dude to get the fuck away from me. That's not a choice though, he's already as far as physically possible from me. Not for long though..

Looks like we're probably gonna have to do this the hard way...

Oikawa huffs, petulant after a few seconds of silence after my command. "And why the actual fuck would I do that?!?" He replies, glaring fiercely.

"Cause I said so, Shithead."

Oikawa lets out an indignant gasp, clearly going back to his false bravado (a coping mechanism?)

"That's no way to treat your captive murder-chan~"

I give him a deadpan glare in response, "just... get over here, don't make this harder than it's gotta be."

"Seriously murder-chan... why the fuck would I do that???" His voice is loud, shrill. On the edge of panic, though I doubt his prides gonna let him have another full-blown panic attack again... something about this dude screams insecurity. Dunno why he'd feel the need to keep up pretenses whilst abducted but whatever.

"Uh, I just told you Pretty Boy... we could do this the hard way or the easy way, I've got a feeling you won't like either but whatever." At this point, is just done with all of this, why can't he just cooperate? (To be honest, I'd be more concerned if he did but still... this is way more hassle than its worth.)

He seems to consider this,

Oikawas POV

I take a few seconds to think over Muscles' comment (which was way more threatening than strictly necessary), and quickly realize that I probably should do whatever I can to not further anger this man.

He could clearly overpower me in regular circumstances, but even without that blatant fact, the situation really isn't on my side...

I begrudgingly decide to listen to him for now, against almost all of my better subconscious judgement.

As per always, I haven't proof read any of this-
Woo, another chapter. Sorry, u might not like Iwa so much after all the trauma he might inadvertently(/directly???) inflict upon oiks (I haven't really though of all that's gonna happen yet tho- tbh I have no idea where this story lines gonna go...)
Only time will tell.

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now