After All This Time

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As Maroon 5 once said, 'I am in Misery'

Anyways here you go. I'm failing like 3 classes and and late work is due tomorrow, wish me luck. Jk I'm gonna be writing more stuff in that time. My mental state is deteriorating I'll be ok tho.

If I stop posting for like a few months, it's cause my dad murdered me for failing. Don't wait up.


Iwa's POV as per usual

I look at Oikawa, contemplating for a moment.

I know for sure that he has more injuries...

How can I use him as a source when he's not as healthy as possible?

I cant. Exactly, so I need to help him. The idiot is starting to get squeamish, trying to wriggle out of my grip resembling a fish on pavement.

"You should probably stay still Pretty Boy, unless you want me to bite you again?" I know that I'm not gonna bite him right now, that would just be sadistic and stupid.

But I also know that he's aware it would make him pliant, easy to control. A very viable threat.

A very sick threat.

It's obvious how much Oikawa resents how he acted after being bit, even if he can't remember which Hajime isn't sure either way, it would be easy to assume the kind of state he was in from his position when he was brought out of the 'haze'.

Fuck, why am I being so cruel?

Why do I care?

No, this is very different from my usual 'casual murder'.

Oikawa goes completely still, obviously believing the threat, there would be no reason for him not to believe it.

Oikawa's POV (after all this time~)

He's gonna fucking what? If he pulls that shit again I'm going to fucking kill him.

I don't care if that isn't really physically possible when we're both on the same playing field, I'll fucking surprise him? I don't know?

I'll find a way. If this asshole tries that shit again he's gonna regret it, I don't care if he kills me, I'm not going through that again.

I don't think my pride can take it.

I stand completely still, contemplating.

Makki must be trying to find me by now?? But will it be too late when he gets to me?

I cant wait it out, I'm not getting bit again.

That's it, I'll let 'Muscles' think he can do what he wants then I'll fucking knock him out.

When he seems satisfied with my compliance, he turns away to reach for something and I head-but him.

Probably not the best idea since I don't know where to hit to cause a concussion.

Fuck I should have payed attention in phys-ed.

They don't teach that in phys-ed....

Maybe I should have payed more attention when coach told is where not to get hit in high school volleyball.


I hit the dude and make a run for it, wincing with the extra pressure on my knee.

I reach the door, it's locked... are there any windows? Heavy objects to break the windows? Yes and no.

Fuck there's nothing to break the window.

I'm screwed.


Oikawa can not catch a break.

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now