Push Up To My Body, Sink Your Teeth Into My Flesh

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It was either Flesh (Simon Curtis) or BITE (Troye Sivan) and I'm still saving BITE ig so Flesh it is-

Warning for mention of sexual content? It doesn't happen tho- also, poor Oikawa doesn't know what's going on and Iwa doesn't either...

Also how the turntables.

Oikawa has a justifiable reason tho it ain't his fault. :/

Back to Iwa's POV

"Please~" My senses clear up (enough) just in time to hear Oikawa begging for something, after reluctantly pulling away from his neck I make eye contact with him.

I'm sure he'd be able to make out the concern painted over my face if his eyes weren't so hazy, his face is flushed and he almost looks delirious, not from fear anymore though.. his breath is coming out in short little pants and he's looking at me with such unadulterated

"Please... I need-" his amber eyes widen, clearly surprised by his state but too uhm preoccupied to care too much, -if his dilated pupils are anything to go by- Oikawa lets out a pitiful (and painfully hot-) whine when I try to remove my hands from his waist (where I had tried to hold onto in order to support his frame after he collapsed)...

He never finished the sentence but it's so obvious what he had wanted... his eyes are darting from my extended canines down to my sweatpants... my now tented sweatpants.....

God damnit.

His face paired with whatever was making his blood so alluring are making it really hard to reject him..  his little pained whines are way more attractive than they have any right to be.

But I can't take advantage of him, or at least not anymore than I already have.. taking his blood without consent is one thing but fucking him in this state would just be.. beyond not justifiable, there's no way he can consent when like this..

I dunno what's wrong with him but whatever it is, it's super unnatural... there's gotta be something wrong with him, just a few seconds ago he was cowering in the corner of my room and now he wants my dick in him? That makes no fucking sense.. No shit Sherlock.. but still..

"I need you Vampire~Chan please~" Pretty  Boy whines, almost sounding pained. Oh so now he's switched nicknames? At least I guess he's finally realized I'm an actual vampire and not- I don't even know what he thought I was, a random serial killer? Which technically I am but- yeah..

He shifts on my lap, causing me to groan. Ugh this dudes gonna be the death of me...

And I'm gonna be the death of him... uh- off that trail of thought.

"Bite me~ please, again- just, anything. I need- fuck- your dick..." I almost laugh at the nearly incomprehensible flow of words, all strung together between little pants. Of course, with the context it's clear what he wants, something I won't give him. (At least my right now-)

His hazy eyes are starting to get glossy, from what? Did I hurt him?!? Is he in pain?!

"Hey Pretty Boy are you okay?!?" I question, hurriedly giving away my concern for him..

"NO Murder~Chan I'm not okay! Just fuck me already you asshole-" he cuts himself off with a little agonized moan, a tear slips down his cheek. At least he hasn't lost the attitude? Usually I'd be pissed but right now I can only be somewhat relieved that he hasn't completely lost it.

Actually he probably has, maybe he's just naturally a brat.

His head falls to my shoulder, he's panting raggedly seemingly trying to restrain himself. I should really do something about this.. but what? I can't exactly leave him alone like this, who knows what could happen to him in his desperation.

"Ugh, just call me Iwai-" I start, resigned before he cuts me off, not even letting me finish my own name. It really would have been stupid of me to tell him my full name though so I guess it's a blessing in disguise?

"Fuck me Iwa~Chan~"

Okay what the fuck is up with that nickname-

"Don't call me that, Pretty Boy I swear to god-" he pulls away a little and I can see that his eyes have cleared- if only slightly. Enough for me to make out a mischievous glint through the still hazy melted chocolate.

"Kay Iwa~Chan~" he purrs the nickname, I've gotta admit, it rolls off his tongue nicely- still though, fuck no.

I glare at him in response, to concerned with his current state to hit him over the head like I would've usually.

"Fuck you." I reply, already regretting my choice of wording before the short sentence even ends. His eyes glaze over again, looking starkly like black coffee. Pretty.

Not the time.

"Yes~ Iwa~Chan, now you're getting it." He almost moans the words into my shoulder after collapsing onto me, seemingly overwhelmed with relief. As much as I want to (wait no, fuck-) I'm not gonna do that.

What kind of monster would take advantage of Oikawa in this state?

'You want to.' My brain supplies, unhelpfully. Well I'm fucking not going to and that fucking final.

Pretty Boy starts whining into my shoulder again, I can feel the slight dampness of his tears soaking through the fabric covering my shoulder. He must've realized that I'm not actually gonna fuck him. (Unfortunately) Fuck, shut up.

Damnit what should I do?

Wait a minute- Matsukawa never kills his sources, he should know about what's going on, probably..?

I absentmindedly bring my hand up to caress the back of his head, carding my hand through his soft cinnamon hair. This action leads him to make a noise that sounds almost like a purr.


Yaknow the ended more wholesome than one would anticipate.

Anyways yes. Uhm. Lol. I- I hope u guys liked this chapter? Sorry for the uh interesting themes??

I took the "person gets horny after being bit" trope from "May You Never Die Alone" (if anyone wants a link to that fic lmk and I'll post it here) but imma add to it! You'll see ;)

The next chap might be partially in oiks pov I dunno but I do like writing concerned Iwa-

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now