I Am Not A Slave

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Kay so the song doesn't really (at all) work for this chap either-



Oh also as per always I've yet to proofread this-

I have so much schoolwork to do and it's 11- looks like I'll be staying up all night again-!

Welp, here we go.

Oikawa winces and I watch as he scoots to the furthest end of the room, clearly having a difficult time with his various injuries. The fear seems to override any pain or discomfort for him though, once his back hits the wall his eyes flicker from my eyes to the blood on my shirt.

Oh fuck.

He doesn't realize that it's his own... which really probably wouldn't be good for him to know either..

It'd be better than him thinking I ran out to murder a bunch of people randomly (which is kinda what I did with him- is definitely what I did with him but still.... ) though.

I hold up the milk bread for him to see as some sort of peace offering, waiting and wondering if he'll come over here to get it, that's super unlikely but I doubt he'd appreciate it if I went over there to further corner him..

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow as if to say 'do you really expect me to get that from you, Murder-Chan?'.

Pretty Boy just shakes his head slightly, completely rejecting the milk bread.

"You're gonna have to eat this, Pretty Boy, do you want to faint?" I ask, trying hard not to sound too condescending.

"What do you care Iwa-Chan..." it's not a question. He looks only mildly scared, although easily going back to that resignation that I really, really hate. I hate that I'm causing it... but I'm not going to stop.

He seems to realize the nickname that had left his mouth soon after and looks up at me with fear, as if he's trying to see if I realized.

Clearly, I heard him. At least the resignation has left his eyes...

He pushes back against the wall, trying to somehow get further away from me... not a very easy feat.

His eyes squeeze shut in a drawn out flinch and he raises his bloodied arms to protect the now scarred neck.

He thinks I'm gonna bite him again..

I slowly approach, careful not to get too close.

"I need your blood, Oikawa," He looks up at me, confused and somehow more fearful than he already had been.

"how-" I cut him off before he can ask the question,

"So just listen to me, brat." He glances up at me from under long eyelashes, clearly giving me the 'why would I do that?' look. I decide to answer verbally,

"You've got no other choice."

Well that was a short chapter-

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now