Growing Concern

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K so imma keep my earlier promise; yee this is gonna b in makkis POV. I'm in so much pain rn so let's geT MY MIND OFF THAT LETS BEGIN.

Makki POV

I stare at my last text to Oikawa hopelessly. He never and I mean NEVER turns off his notifications... and he wouldn't let his phone die because the dudes a social media freak..

So either he's ignoring me which is kinda out of the ordinary though that one time when I almost dyed his hair an identical shade of pink to mine he did stop talking to me for a while...

That was like years ago though.... so the only logical conclusion is that he's in danger. I mean, there are other ones but it better safe then sorry right? Maybe if he didn't turn of the "read" receipts then I could more accurately judge whether he's jus ignoring me or not but noooo.

I scoff a little bit out of frustration, why cant anything be easyyy. Now I've gotta go find Kenma and beg him to track Oikawa's phone. Sighing from annoyance (and trying to shove down the pit of terror in my stomach), I shove down my building concern in favor of grabbing the keys to the apartment and getting up to lock the door and head out.

It takes less than ten minutes for me to hastily arrive at Kenma and Kuroo's dorm room, I loudly knock on the door to get their attention.

After much less time than I'd initially anticipated, a disgruntled looking Kuroo answers the door. He looks pretty surprised to see me although that might be due to the mild panicked look I've got going on...

"What's up..." he looks confused but I don't really have time to elaborate on the situation.

"Is Kenma here??" I ask, still out of breath from running.

"Yea... lemme go get him" thankfully, Kuroo doesn't ask me to talk about it, he immediately goes into their living room area and returns with Kenma who looks mildly annoyed although the look vanished altogether into one of concern when he sees my expression.

"What happened?" He asks, curious.

"I don't think I have much time to talk, can you track cell phones?" I rush to get the words out, don't tell me I'm overreacting.

"Uhh yea..? Why?" Kenma looks really confused, pretty dubious but I know he'll help once he finds out something's actually wrong.

"It's Tooru... he's missing." My voice is unsteady, our area isn't the safest and Oikawas been having a problem with creeps lately anyways.. always talking about some horrible dude he calls "Asshole".

Kenma looks surprised, fear lacing his expression but quickly masks it.

"How long?? Are you sure he's not out overworking himself at some coffee shop?" Kenma looks more than a little concerned but, always the level headed one, decides to try and rationalize the situation.

Kuroo on the other hand seems to be panicking, he looks torn between grief and horror. Him and Oikawa are super close and he knows that if I'm concerned about his whereabouts than somethings probably horribly wrong.

".... a few hours. We gotta find him though, please? I'll owe you.?" I'm desperate right now okay, he's probably just gonna ask me to buy him a few apple pies later or something. Kenma sighs, seeming to give in.

"Sure, I guess I can do that."

TBC I'm lazy, so lazy. Anyways yee I genuinely don't have this planned out nor do I know where this is going.

Iwaoi- Why are You Doing This? Vampire Iwaizumi x Human Oikawa AUWhere stories live. Discover now