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I don't know how things work in a court room so I'm going off of what sounds right

Also, literally what the fuck was I thinking? This is like the worst drama I could've ever thought about putting in a book.

Suing a freaking hospital? For one bill? wOt?

This is literally the cringiest shit ever

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

Louis watches once more as Harry swears on the Bible taking his place back at the desk.

He was sitting in the row behind Harry, nervously wringing his hands as the judge listened to everybody's statement.

Law was not Louis' strong point so he had no clue if they were ahead or behind or if they were in a good spot or whatever.

All he knew was the tension was high and the tall and thin man sitting in the other section was giving him a creepy look.

"Would Mr. Styles please give his stand and give his testimony"

Louis is not going to lie, everything that was said went in one ear and out the other.

His thoughts were on his seven children that they left in the hands of Zayn and Liam.

They would've left them with Anne but she wanted to be here and they would've left them with Shawn and Niall -only because Zayn and Liam wanted to be at the court case- but they had a five month old baby to take care of a certainly didn't need seven more.

About a month and a half after Louis gave birth, Niall went into labor, giving birth to a beautiful baby boy named Atlas.

Louis hoped he will grow up and be friends with Mars or even Allie because he thinks that would be cute.

"Now if Mr. Nelson would come to the stand" Louis looked up as the fat man from before hobbled his way to the defendant stand.

He just looked sleazy. Louis didn't like it.

The beta mans lips were moving but Louis was definitely not listening.

He barely listened when he could understand, no way he was going to listen when he didn't understand.

"We will take a fifteen minute recess, court will resume at 12:30 p.m"

Louis stood up when everybody else did, trying to catch up with Harry and Mr. Pinnocks lawyer, who they came to know as Mr. Wollschlager -and don't ask Louis how to pronounce it, he doesn't know- trying to catch what they were whispering to each other.

He kept hearing the word witness but everything else was a miss.

"Haz? Are we doing good? What's happening?" He questioned, trying to understand what was happening.

"Louis- jus- just go sit back down. We really need to talk and I can't think with you constantly talking in my ear" and yeah- Louis didn't expect that.

"Uh" he cleared his throat a bit. "Yeah- yeah I'll just... go sit back down" but Harry was already walking away again, leaving Louis by himself.

His breath hitched a little when a hand placed itself on his shoulder, turning to see the skinny man that was staring at him the whole time from the other side.

"Stress huh. Makes people do crazy things, like snap at their boyfriends"

Louis looked at him incredulously, taking a small step back. 

"Uh... yeah, I guess" he replied awkwardly, rocking back on the heels of his feet.

"So how long have you two been together?" And it was weirding Louis out that he was asking about their relationship.

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