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Anygays on with the story

When Louis arrived at the house the last thing he expected to see was Harry trying to pick-lock the door with a stick.

"Harry... what are you doing?" Louis said cautiously as he got out of the car.

"Oh! Hey Lou" he said slowly, jumping a bit in surprise. "I didn't expect you to be home this early"

Louis approached Harry slowly, watching as a coy smile spread across the alphas face.

"Why are you pick-locking the door with a stick?"

Harry's face turned into a grimace, wincing as the stick fell out of the lock.

"It's a long story I don't know if you really want to hear it today" Harry said, kicking the stick behind him a little bit, coy smile back on his face.

"Please enlighten me" Louis said, making Harry sigh and slump over.

"I was tricked" is what he said, Louis quirking an eyebrow at the older boy, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Tricked how?"

"Well... I was putting disinfectant on Williams ear cause it was looking not good and I heard a scream so I naturally ran to the source" Harry began. "Well when I got here, the girls were perfectly fine but I didn't see Parker so I ran outside cause the door was open and then it closed and here we are" He finished, face red.

Louis blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. Then let out a boisterous laugh.

"You let five kids under the age of three outsmart you?!" Louis laughed, bent over with glee, face red as he laughed his heart out.

Harry just huffed, turning away in embarrassment.

"I jus-" Louis started, bursting out laughing again.

"How long have you been out here?" Louis asked, once he calmed down.

"About a half an hour. We should probably try to get in the house quicker though because the oven is on" Harry said, maybe forgetting about that small detail.

"The oven is on?!" Louis screeched, yanking his keys out from his pocket.

The moment he rushed through the door, his face paled, the keys he had in his hand, dropping to the floor.

"You're cleaning it"


"You got yourself locked out, you get to pay the consequences"

Nothing life threatening had happened.

All of the floors, the furniture, and a quarter of the way up the walls was covered in paint and flour, but nothing too serious happened.

"But Louisss" Harry pleaded, looking around the room with wide eyes.

"While you start cleaning, I'll do the scolding. I know you don't like it but they have to know that this is not acceptable" Louis stated, noting the blue footprints going down the hallway.

"And then you'll help clean after?" The alpha asked, a pleading look in his eyes.

"I guess" Louis huffed over dramatically, pulling a smile from Harry's lips.

"Now get to work" Louis said, pecking Harry's lips before walking away, following the blue footprints.

"Don't forget to turn off the oven!"

"Oh my God why did we just have choose white sheets?" Louis muttered, looking at the devastating blobs of different colored paint that stained his and Harry's bedding.

Their bed and their floors and their walls were covered in multi colored hand prints and streaks from them crawling across the floor.

"Well I mean we are getting a new house I guess" Louis said to himself, kneeling down on the floor to start scrubbing.

They sent the kids to Nialls apartment because Anne was out of town and Zayn and Liam were having a bit of a rough patch.

Grabbing the ammonia from beside him, Louis got to work scrubbing, completely forgetting that fact he had to wear gloves.

"Holy fuck me ow! ow! ow!" Louis screeched while Harry tried to patch up his hands.

By the time Louis was done scrubbing their floors, his hands were burning and bleeding and the skin was peeling off by itself.

"Ow fuck! Don't touch me with that again!" Louis yelled, trying to push the disinfectant from Harry's hands.

"Do you want it to get infected?" Harry scolded, snatching Louis' hands back, running the cotton ball back over the omegas hands.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" Louis cried, kicking his legs against the counter, much like a child.

"I'm almost done!" Harry growled, lightly hitting Louis' knee. "I know it's been a hard day and the last thing you're going to want is infected hands. You won't get infected hands if you just let me finish!"

Louis went quiet, letting Harry finish quietly, crying when Harry started wrapping his hands.

"S'alright baby" Harry soothed, pulling Louis into a tight hug. "It's going to get better" he whispered, kissing all over the side of Louis' head.

"But when? When is it going to get better? We barely have enough money for the bills! We're about to have seven kids before twenty! Our house is covered in paint that's not going away anytime soon! You're trying to fucking sue a hospital! Do you- do you know how much money we could lose! We could lose everything! If we get found unfit because we have an unstable environment because we have no money, they are going to take the kids!"

He loved his children and Harry but his life sucked. It was rough and they were running out of money. Harry's job was just beginning and his pay wasn't really enough, though they may have thought that in the beginning, it wasn't cutting it.

They were both going to have to get two jobs.

It was going to have to get a lot worse, before it got any better.

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