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Officially 20 real chapters in!!!!

We hit 13k reads and I can't even process that in my mind. That is amazing

I saw The Ziam Edit. I can't unsee. Someone bring me bleach

One week.

One entire week since Niall told Louis he was pregnant.

One entire week since Louis had seen Niall.

Three days.

Three days since the court case.

Three days since they found out it case would be extending for at least six months.

Louis, it felt like, was losing his mind.

He thoughts were all over the place with the pregnancy, the case, Niall, and a bunch of other factors.

The court day did not go at all how Louis had expected it to go. He had a really good outcome in his mind and a really bad one.

Neither had transpired.


"Will the defendant please stand up" Louis listened to every word the judge spoke, not wanting to blink in fear of missing anything.

Harry was dressed in an all black suit with his hair styled and out of his face.

He watched as a short man with a big belly stood up, his tall lawyer standing with him.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Louis watched as the man swore on the Bible(now he wasn't raised religious so that part didn't mean anything to him) taking a seat in the box next to the judge.

He listened as a whole bunch of legal mumbo jumbo was spewed, his brain somewhere else.

They really needed to move out of Harry's family's cabin and into their own house. Or flat. But more likely a house.

"Court will be resumed in six months on the date of  April 18th"

Then the gavel was hit and everyone was getting up and leaving.

"Is that good?" Louis asked, rushing after Harry who was avidly talking to his lawyer.

Neither answered him so he just followed quickly, staying quiet while an angry, brooding Harry sulked on the car ride home.

Louis had started nesting again.

It had been absolutely horrible the first day he had started. He had taken the bedding off not only his and Harry's bed, but his children's beds as well.

He'd taken all of Harry's boxers and all of the pillow cases off all the pillows.

He's even went as far as to lock himself in the room, under the humongous pile of bedding and clothing that he had made.

Harry had to coax him out of the room by bribing him with endless cuddles and pickles with chocolate ice cream.

He still had a whopping three months more of his pregnancy and it didn't seem like his cravings, cramps, and his crazy mood swings were going to slow down anytime in the near future.

A few days after that was when Louis saw the life changing news.

"Harry! Look at this!" He yelled, startling the alpha who was secretly looking at engagement rings.

"What is it? If it's another sad dog commercial I swear-" Harry started, stopping when Louis shoved his phone in his face.

"Look what they made!" He said excitedly, leaning over the back of the couch.

"Oh my god"

"Oh my god!"

"That's what I was thinking!"

"Do you think it works?"

"It's says heat and rut tested so I'm pretty sure it works"

"I can't believe it. No more babies every eighteen months!" Louis cheered, hugging Harry tightly with his pregnancy strength.

They had finally made condoms that would prevent pregnancy during an alphas rut and an omegas heat.

It was a miracle truly.

This would give them a huge chance to finally get settled and decide whether or not they want another kid sometime in the next years.

Things were starting to look up a little bit.

It stayed true. Things did start looking up, not only for Louis and Harry, but for the rest of their friends as well.

Niall and Shawn were happy as could be with the pregnancy while Zayn and Liam started looking into adoption agencies.

They probably wouldn't be certified for a couple more years because it just took that long but they finally made the decision to start looking into it. They'd have to go through the process of fostering children first, before they were legally allowed to adopt one and that could take years.

Louis and Harry, though they still needed a bigger car, finally found a house to move into.

It wasn't humongous but it had four rooms and two bathrooms. One room for each set of children and a room for Louis and Harry.

It was a bit old and the paint was chipping in spots but it was the perfect house for them.

It had a nice backyard and it was close to a daycare that would take the kids so Louis could go to work.

Harry had landed a place on the cover of teen Vogue, boosting his followers and fans even more.

He was trending even! Louis couldn't believe that his Harry, the little boy that he had grown up with watched evolve into a man, was all over the news, all social media platforms, and even in newspapers!

He was so incredibly happy that Harry was finally becoming what he wanted to be.

He just hoped that it would stay this good for as long as possible.

They didn't need anymore surprises crashing into their life.

Yeah I kinda just abruptly stopped the chapter. I think I had more planned but I just kinda free write, I don't have notes or anything so I forgot

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