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Itty bitty titty edited

5 days later Louis was finally discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home with his babies.

They had to stay extra days seeing as the babies were smaller than normal and needed a little extra care before they went home.

Harry eventually had to go home. It wasn't for to long, just enough time for him to shower, and put the car seat holders in the car for the journey home.

Harry had Niall, Zayn, Liam, Shawn, and his mum stay behind at the house to set up the welcome home party that Harry wanted to have. The alpha was over dramatic on everything and insisted a party be thrown.

It wasn't actually a party per say but there was cake, and when there's cake, it's a party in Harrys book.

When the alpha had pulled up to the front doors of the hospital, gotten Louis signed out, and had entered the room, he couldn't help but laugh.

The room was all put together and what little stuff they had was in a neat pile ready to be taken, but Louis...

The small omega had managed to fall asleep on the floor, leaning against the side of the hospital bed facing three occupied car seats.

"Oh Lou" Harry chuckled quietly, walking closer to his mate and their pups.

'How do I go about doing this?' He wondered.

He didn't want to wake up Louis, but he certainly did not have enough arms to carry everything by himself.

Luckily it seemed like whatever God was out there heard his question seeing as a polite, "Do you need any help Mr.Styles?" Came from the door.

Turning around Harry saw that it was their nurse, Gigi Hadid with a polite smile on her face.

"Um..." Harry said trailing off. He didn't really want  somebody else touching his family or any of their things.

"No, thank you but I think I got this" Harry replied, watching as uncertainty showed on the nurses face. Sue him, it's not his fault he's so territorial.

"Are you sure? Because I can help" she stated politely.

"More than positive, thank you though" He said, already planning out how he was going to do this.

'Alright' He thought, moving to grab the bags and throwing them over his shoulder.

Next he grabbed two of the three occupied car seat, pushing one to the crease of his elbow, his right hand holding the other one, then very slowly bending down to grasp the last one with his left hand.

It was quite a sight to see for the nurse still standing at the door.

Harry didn't want to leave Louis there, even if he was going to be back but he didn't know any other way, because he sure as hell wasn't going to let anybody else touch him.

As he walked by the nurse at the door he quietly whispered a, "Make sure he doesn't wake up" and then as quickly as possible made his way to their car.

It was a bit of a challenge seeing as he had to quietly put three car seats in the back of their car. The first seat was easy peasy, but the other two proved very difficult.

Many head bumps and quiet curses later, Harry was finally done and out of breath.

It was probably not very responsible of him to leave three, five day old babies in the car unattended but he did it anyways, silently shutting the door and running back to the hospital. He was going to be quick. Go in, grab Louis, come out, then go home.

Harry strode quickly into the hospital, straight to Louis' room, ignoring the strange look the nurses gave him.

Luckily Louis was still asleep, his head leaning back against the bed, his legs spread out like a star fish and his arms laying deadweight by his sides.

Harry bent down, gently picking Louis up, the latter squirming a little bit before ultimately wrapping his legs around Harrys waist and stuffing his face in the alpha neck.

Harry just smiled, nodding his head in thanks at nurse Hadid that still stood that the door.

She was kind of creeping Harry out if he was being honest. He knew that she was just being nice, but he had three babies, two toddlers, and a tiny mate to protect, sue him for being suspicious.

Walking to the car was possibly the most calming thing Harry had done in a while. The air was fresh, there was a light breeze, the kind that wasn't cold but the good kind that cooled you just enough. The sound of the birds chirping wasn't loud but loud enough to know they were there. And to top it all off, he had his little mate in his arms perfectly content and happy.

When Harry got to the car he let out a sigh of relief that all three babies were still asleep.

He gently put Louis in the passenger seat, holding his breath when the small omega started moving around, exhaling when the boy stopped moving and snuggled into the seat.

Harry quickly shot a text to Liam saying 'Lou and the babies are asleep, keep up the decorations we'll have the party when he wakes up'

Not caring about an answer Harry shoved his phone in his back pocket and drove away.

So this chapter was meant to be longer but I decided not to make it long and just have it be a small filler chapter.

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