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Itsy bitsy spider edited

"No! Parker James you get your bum over here now!"

Louis and Harry had gotten back from their cabin extravaganza two weeks ago and Louis' life couldn't be harder.

Harry had left two days ago to go to a fashion show in Milan so Louis couldn't just call him to ask for help.

Zayn and Liam were having a little vacation so they could leave the stress of Zayn being infertile in the back of their minds for a little while.

Shawn and Niall were back in Mullingar again because Nialls grandmother had passed away after being sick for so long.

He would call Anne but she had flown with Harry to his show so she could support him.

Louis would have gone but he didn't think it was a good idea to bring five children on a plane ride so far from home.

To say Louis was struggling was an understatement.

The first night Harry was gone he couldn't get the girls to stop crying. He had ended up crying with them, then crying himself to sleep.

The next couple days were fine, no problems, no tantrums, everything was calm.

Until William got sick.(*cough cough* corona *cough cough*) (nah just kidding)

Louis assumes he must have caught it when they went to the store to get ingredients for dinner.(👀)

It was bad. It was nothing more that just a common cold but it lasted for six days. Six days of constant crying, many, many coughing sprees that Louis was sure weren't going to end, and lastly, the fact that William had gotten two of the girls sick as well.

In the end they had all gotten better.

Now it was time for bed and Louis was still trying to get his pups bathed and dressed into their pajamas.

He didn't have the energy to give them separate baths so he had just ended up sticking all five of them in the bathtub together.

That led to an awkward conversation following Parker asking why the girls didn't have the same bits as him and his twin.

The moment Louis had walked away so he could grab towels, Parker had crawled out of the tub, clumsily running around the house buck naked.

"Get back here you rascal!" Louis yelled, running after him, towel in his hands to grab the boy with.

Louis eventually caught up to the giggling child, giggling with him as he worked on drying him off.

Wrapping Parker in the towel, he placed the small boy on his hip, making his way back to the bathroom.

Luckily the other four had stayed in the bathtub. They seemed to be playing with each other, William telling the girls what to do and what not to do. Though Louis was sure they couldn't understand the little boy but they seemed to be having a good time.

"Alright you little rascals, fun time is over" Louis said in fake sternness.

"Mummy! Teach'n babes pway!" William shouted, throwing his arms in the air.

"I see that" Louis mused, pulling the two of the three girls out of the cooling water.

Setting them down on the towel he turned back so he could grab the other two.

Unplugging the drain, Louis had successfully managed to dry all of them off, the boys hair floofing up with its curlyness.

Now this was the part he was prepared for. He had made sure he had three diapers and two pull ups laid on the toilet seat, ready to be put on.

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