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This is a continuation of the last chapter

Non edited

It was when Harry had gotten Louis carried to their room, and Anne and helped lay the still sleeping babies in the basinets, did Harry finally realize what Louis was wearing.

He was wearing a basic pair of black sweatpants but it was the sweatshirt that caught Harry's eye.

Harry had given Louis that sweatshirt on his fourteenth birthday when Louis' family thought they were going to have to move away for Marks job. He had given Louis the sweatshirt as a reminder to never forget about Harry. He had bought it many sizes to big purposely so that Louis could grow into it. Even though it was a basic dark blue hoodie, it had messy writing on the back that made it special. In a white fabric marker Harry had found, he wrote,
'we won't forget each other right?' And then drew two stick figures below it holding hands. One stick figure was a bright blue so it showed up the the sweatshirt and the other was a bright green. One with a speech bubble saying 'oops!' And the other one saying 'hi!' as a reminder of the first words the two had ever spoken to each other.

Harry could have cried. And he did.

He entirely forgot about the sweater after Louis told him they they weren't moving away.

Eyes watering, the alpha lowered himself onto the bed next to the sleeping omega, curling himself around Louis' small body, acting as a security blanket keeping him away from anything bad.

Stuffing his face in the back of his omegas neck, Harry let his breathing even out, eventually falling asleep.

Needless to say, they were not asleep for long.

Louis woke up to the sound of a blood curdling cry, followed by two other blood curdling cry's.

He tried to get up but there were two arms wrapped around his waist, restricting him from moving to much.

How Harry was still sleeping, Louis had no idea.

Finally resorting to slapping the alphas hands repeatedly, he was finally unhanded and able to tend to his pups.

He grabbed Maeve first as she seemed to be screaming the loudest.

Lifting up the side of his sweatshirt, Louis guided the baby to his nipple, the pup instantly attaching.

No matter how many times he's done this, the feeling still shocks him.

Looking to his left Louis finally acknowledged the alpha, politely asking him to grab Ada so he could feed her to.

Complying to his mates wishes he gently grabbed the small baby helping Louis position her to the spot that would be comfortable for both of them.

Looking at their third baby that was still crying, not as loud but still crying, Louis sighed.

"I wish I had three nipples" He said, Harry chuckling at the thought of Louis having a third breast right in between the other two.

Picking up the crying baby, Harry gently walked around the room, bouncing her slightly in his arms in attempt to get her to calm down for the moment, whispering to her about how she was about to get plenty of food in a second.

Not that the baby understood but she seemed to feel soothed by Harry's voice as she calmed down just a little.

Many minutes later Maeve was done eating, her eyes already drooping again with sleep.

Calling Harry over to help him switch the babies, he ended up knocking his head against the wall, whispering out a quiet 'Fuck'.

"Isn't it going to run dry?" Harry asked as he skillfully handed Louis Josie, receiving Maeve in return, laying her over his shoulder, patting her back in attempt to burp her.

"That's what I thought, but the doctor said that apparently my body knows that I need more for my babies" Louis said, shrugging his shoulders.( I don't think that is actual logic but that's ok)

"As long as my babies have enough food, we're okay" Louis said, finishing his thought.

A few moments later, Ada was done eating and it was only Josie still feeding.

"She's gonna be an alpha" Harry said, nodding his head towards the baby still attached to Louis.

"What makes you think that?" Louis asked, looking down to get a better view at his third pup.

"Look at her grip" Harry said. "That's is the grip of a possessive alpha if I've ever seen one"

"Well if that's the case, then we are going to have a big family of alphas" Louis giggled. It wouldn't surprise him, but he did want at least one omega child, maybe a beta. As long as they were happy and healthy, he didn't care what they presented as.

Harry's whole family was a long line of alphas. His dad was obviously an alpha, his mum was an alpha, and even his sister was an alpha.

Louis' family was a mostly betas. His father was a beta along with his mum. He, obviously was an omega and his siblings were to young to present yet. He knew he had some relatives that were alphas but they were few and far between.

Dominant genes did not run in his family at all.

It saddened Louis to think about his family. His mum and dad had shunned him but he was still in contact with his siblings over social media.

Lottie had told him that his mum was pregnant with twins again but he wasn't allowed to see them.

"No matter what they are, I will love them either way" Harry said, leaning down to place a sweet peck on Louis' lips.

"That's good cause I would kick your arse if you treated them with anything other than love" Louis smiled. A scary smile really, one that made Harry shiver.

"I think she's done" Louis said, looking down at the pup the wasn't doing much of anything anymore.

He leaned over, carefully taking Josie, quickly burping her(which surprised Harry because none of their babies ever burped quickly) before laying her back into the bassinet by the bed.

Looking over at Harry, Louis lifted his arms towards the alpha, wanting to be carried as he was to tired to walk.

Of course Harry obeyed, doing anything and everything he could for his baby.

The party did not happen.

Which was fine because it would have been a disaster anyways with how quickly and urgently Harry tried to throw it together.

They did have a cake and Louis did eat most of it but it wasn't considered a party cake. More like a "congratulations on giving birth!" Kinda cake.

At least that's what Harry said. Louis just wanted the cake. No matter what it was for.

"Damn Lou, save some for the rest of us" Zayn joked, earning a glare from the blue eyed omega.

"I was just cut open and had three babies pulled out of me. I'll eat however much cake I want" of course he mouth was full while he said, chewing loudly on purpose to annoy Zayn.

Nobody argued with him after that.

It might not have been the party Harry wanted, but it was still perfect because he had his kids and Louis there with him.

They were all he needed to be happy.

This chapter was way revised because the last version I had was atrocious.

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