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Guys... I'm nervous

I've never written smut before and I already know it's going to be horrible.

There is a spicy gif near the end so I would recommend reading where there isn't other people

So sorry in advance.

Around 9 months later

Smol bit edited

Nine months was a lot of time but to Louis, it flew by quite quickly.

The girls, they had discovered, were very much daddy's girls.

They never wanted to be away from Harry, but they were also possessive over Louis.

They were carefree and giggly with Harry, and then held onto Louis with tight grips, having sharp, well as sharp as nine month old eyes could be, whenever they passed another alpha in the store or on the street.

They had grown so much. They were still learning how to walk properly and they had starting saying small, not understandable words not to long ago. Baby nonsense is what it was but Louis liked to think they were talking.

Except for one.

Josie had not said even one word yet, and she wasn't ever going to.

When Harry and Louis has gone to their six month check up, they discovered that in the events of Josies umbilical cord wrapping around her neck, it had damaged her vocal cords, leaving her permanently mute.

Those next couple days had been gloomy ones for the family of five. It was if their other four pups had known that something was wrong.

The doctors had also been worried about the baby's eyesight.

A lot of times people with heterochromia didn't have the best of eye sight but they said that her eyes were in great shape.

Louis had also had his Eighteenth birthday. It wasn't a huge celebration but Harry's whole family was there along with Liams since they were the only ones that actually cared.

All that was missing was his own family.

Lottie had sent him a video of all of his siblings wishing him a happy birthday. As it turned out, his mum did have twins, a boy and a girl named Ernest and Doris.

They had to make the video secretly, afraid of June and Matt catching them.

None of the siblings knew why their parents hated Louis so much, Louis didn't even really know himself.

On the brighter side of things, they had also celebrated Harry's nineteenth birthday.

It was amazing.

Harry had done his second fashion show that night and almost everybody that had been at Louis' birthday party had been at the show.

Although that had gotten papped and their family's face was the cover of the next morning magazine, they couldn't have asked for a better night.

Instead of going to a fancy restaurant like the rest of the models Harry had walked with, they went to a small little place out towards the outskirts of town.

It was retro themed with a jukebox and everything. The entire family spent the night dancing and laughing at everything, then went home and all cuddled into Harry and Louis' bed, the children already asleep in their arms.

Then, about a month ago they had celebrated Parker and Williams second birthday, finally getting rid of the cribs and transferring them to toddler beds.

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