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A wee bit edited

Louis' been stuck in the same position for the past twenty minutes, sitting on the bed in Nialls bedroom, staring blankly at the wall.

"Should we call Harry?" He heard someone whisper.

"I don't know if he would want us to" somebody -most likely Zayn- replied.

"I'll see if I can ask" he heard faintly, hearing small footsteps coming towards him.

"Hey Lou" somebody, who he came to see as Niall, whispered, running his hands through the shocked omegas hair. "Do you want us to call Harry?"

Niall didn't want to push his friend to far. Finding out your pregnant at fifteen didn't seem like a walk in the park.

Louis didn't seem to hear anything his friends said, so Niall tried again. "Lou? Would you like us to call Harry?"

Louis cocked his head to the side in dazed thought -which his friends secretly found adorable but wouldn't dare say that at this time- nodding numbly.

Niall snapped his head to Liam, silently telling him to call the alpha.

He nodded, pulling his phone out, listening to the ringing and hoping Harry would pick up.

When the curly haired alpha finally answered, Liam putting it on speaker phone.

"Hey Li, what's up?" Rang around the silent room.

Liam was internally freaking out. What if Harry got mad? If he left Louis, he'd have to deal with Zayn trying to kill him. Then, seeing as he'd be the last alpha in their (basically family) friend group, the omegas would gravitate towards him, naturally of course. It's instinct to get closer to an alpha as they are natural protectors. Liam was in no way shape or form ready for three omegas to be by his every move, nor did he want that. He wanted Zayn and that's it.

That and, when a bond was severed, both people would go into severe depression. Most didn't make it and the ones who do, lived on life support until they died.

Liams didn't wish that upon even his most hated enemy.

"W-well um, y-you see th-that, w-well I- you sh- I- test- we- pregn- jus-I-"

"Liam Payne did you impregnate Zayn?" And it's safe to say that both Liam and Zayn choked a little on their breath.

Niall just watched the whole scene unfold, rolling his eyes all while soothingly running his fingers through his fragile friends hair.

"Harry it's Niall" He said, loud enough that Harry could hear. "Liam did not knock up Zayn but you need to come to my house right now"

"Um, ok I'll be over in a bit I guess?" Harry said questioningly. Before he could ask anymore questions Liam hung up out of pure panic.

"Now we wait for the real fun to start" Zayn said but there was no joking in his tone.

By the time Harry got to Nialls house, Louis' initial shock was wearing off.

Now he wore a frown thinking of all the ways that this could end badly.

'What if he doesn't want me to keep it?'
'What if he starts hating me?'
'What if he hates the baby?'
'I'm taking away his youth'
'He's gonna hate me'
'I hate myself'

The moment Harry walked into Nialls house he knew something was off.

He could feel it in the atmosphere.

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