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One month later

The days were getting shorter, Louis noticed.

His birthday was in six days and he was absolutely dreading it.

Not that he wasn't thankful for everything, he was just tired all the time. His back was constantly killing him and his feet were starting to get swollen again.

The boys have been unforgiving as they inch closer and closer to their terrible twos and the girls haven't been much better.

The constant screaming and crying is about to make Louis lose his damn mind.

He's tried every single method he could find.

He looked online, he looked in that stupid parenting book Harry insisted they get, he even asked Anne.


Absolutely nothing worked.

On top of everything else, the twins inside his belly were kicking like crazy.

They caused Louis to accidentally cut himself when he was cutting the food because it startled him so bad.

And Harry. Harry had been an absolutely saint through it all. He's rubbed Louis' feet, ran him hot baths, and aided his bleeding hand.

He truly was Louis' guiding light.

Without him, Louis' sure he probably would've given up.

But alas, there was nothing Harry couldn't do or fix to keep Louis' going.

Harry had been the one to find the peppermint vapor rub that helped immensely with the omegas migraines because he couldn't take Ibuprofen.

Harry had been the one to finally put the kids to sleep all those nights when Louis was on the cusp of passing out.

Until the other day when Liam brought it up, Louis hadn't even thought about that fact that he's been pregnant or close to pregnant for almost four years.

That fact made Louis want to cry. Not quite in sadness but not quite in happiness either.

But all those thoughts aside, they were finally going to go get the gender of the twins. Amidst all the chaos, they realized they had failed to do that that.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked, sitting on the bed as Louis sighed thought the several oversized(Harry's) sweaters that adorned their closet.

"Almost. Your mum here yet?" Louis asked in reply, finally deciding on a dark blue, plain sweater to go with his plain black maternity leggings.

"Yeah, she got here not too long ago. Like five minutes"

Louis hummed in reply, slipping on his black bearpaw boots.

Ugg's were too expensive.

"I must say darling, the colors you choose to wear do not reflect you at all" Harry commented, looking up and down at the all dark colors and Louis decided on.

"Maybe, on the inside, I am a dark abyss and I only show light when you're around" Louis said ominously, a creepy smile creeping onto his face.

Harry's eyes widened a bit as he coughed, "oh shoot look at the time, looks like we have an appointment to get to!"

"That's right" Louis smirked darkly. "Run" and then he giggled, he freaking giggled, as he followed Harry out to the car.

These pregnancy hormones really decided to put Louis into the creepy/psychotically funny mood today.

"As you can see here, this is baby A who looks to be in perfect health, and here is baby B, who is looking a bit small but that is very common for twins."

This was not nurse Hadid.

Louis didn't know who this was, but he was about to rip her annoying blonde hair out of her head.

She was making stupid heart eyes at Harry as if she wasn't literally giving an ultrasound to his pregnant omega.

"Where is Nurse Hadid? We had her picked specifically for us because we feel she is the best" Louis asked condescendingly, glaring the daring female down.

"Mrs. Hadid is away on a business related trip. She was offered a better job in Manchester at a more advanced hospital and has taken the opportunity. I will be your nurse from now on" she said, making even more heart eyes at Harry as she broke the news to the couple.

Gigi was moving? And she didn't say anything?

That kinda stung.

He understood though. This job was probably a once in a life time opportunity to work somewhere way better than the borderline trashy hospital here.

"As I suspected, a clear view at baby A's genitals! A girl! Baby A is a girl!" Louis and Harry both cheered, Harry leaning on to give Louis a big kiss in the lips, making the omega smirk.

The dumb bimbo next to him could fuck off. Harry was his.

"Baby B... is a boy! And boy and a girl!"

The couple repeated the same process, Louis quickly wiping off the cold gel so he could give Harry a big hug.

"Three boys and four girls" Harry mumbled into Louis' lips, smiling when the blue eyed beauty giggled.

"What has our life turned into?" He joked, hugging Harry harder.

"A dreamesque nightmare my love. A dreamesque nightmare"

Short little chappie here.

I need to stop writing before my eyes fall out of my head

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