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I made a new friend!

I don't know about this chapter honestly.

So hahaha I forgot that I was kinda putting them through a lawsuit with the whole hospital thing. Aha aha aha that's my bad

Idk why people are reading this book. I can't even remember half the shit I've written

Okay so idk where I had the setting be so as of now, the setting is in London

Also, as for Louis' siblings, let's say that his aunt and uncle got custody of them in America and his parents are in jail for child abuse. Unless anybody has any better ideas

"The court date is in four days"

Louis groaned.

They were using Mr. Pinaults lawyer who was apparently one of the best around. Louis wasn't so sure.

A hospital could pull a lot of strings that he and Harry had no clue about.

The alpha had been running around all of London, trying to get people to understand where they were coming from with this case because chances are, it's going to be televised for people to see.

They are suing a hospital for Christ's sake! That's not an everyday thing.

"And we both have to testify?" Louis asked, watching carefully as his children ran around the living room.

"Yeah. I've found some more people to testify. They've all said that they've lost over 10k to the hospital for 'unpaid' doctors bills. Can you believe that? Ten thousand pounds. These people have had to live in debt for so many years" Harry ranted, pacing the length of the kitchen.

He was very passionate in justice and people getting relief in their problems.

His motto wasn't Treat People With Kindness for no reason.

"Wow" was all Louis could manage to get out. So many things were happening all at once and he couldn't keep track.

It was the beginning of November and he was about six months along now.

His tummy had grown quite a bit in the last months but nothing compared to what the triplets had been.

They had decided to stay at Harry's family cabin until they could get back on their feet. It was away from the public eye and had enough room for their growing family for the time being.

They also decided that they were going to wait and see what the genders of the babies were when they were born.

Harry thought they were both boys again and Louis thought one of each.

"I'll love them no matter that they are or what they want to be when they grow up" Louis had said, Harry nodding along in agreement.

If they wanted to change when they got older, Louis and Harry would support them no matter what.

"Niall thinks we are having all girls again" Louis laughed a bit, changing the subject as he looked down at his belly.

The blond omega had been constantly visiting them at the cabin, constantly crying that Louis had perfect children as he hugged Parker to death.

When Louis thought about it, Niall had been crying a lot.

He'd call Louis in the middle of the day, crying about the fact that he went to the store to buy chips and the nice man in line in front of him had bought the chips for him.

He'd call Louis at midnight, crying that him and Shawn had mind blowing sex,(which Louis didn't need to know but listened to anyways to support his best friend)

He'd scared the shit out the Louis when he randomly joined the omega in the shower, instantly crying when he caught sight of Louis' baby bump.

So yeah, he'd been crying a lot lately.

"Speaking of Niall, I'm pretty sure he just pulled into the driveway. Again" Harry spoke, looking out the kitchen window behind Louis.

"What the hell? Wasn't today the day that him and Shawn were supposed to go to Canada? To see Shawns family?" Louis questioned, rounding the corner of the kitchen counter to get to the front door.

He didn't even give Niall time to knock, throwing open the door only to come face to face with a crying omega.

"What-" he was cut off by Nialls body slamming into his in a crushing hug, the blonds body shaking as he sobbed.

"Okay umm... let's go to the bedroom and talk" Louis soothed, running his hand up and down Nialls back.

He felt Niall nod against his neck, hearing the mucus back up as the other omega sniffed at his neck.

'Watch the kids' he mouthed to Harry, getting a thumbs up in response.

He hummed quietly as he led Niall back to his room, still rubbing the omegas back in soothing motions.

"What's wrong Ni? Did something happen with Shawn?" He asked when they entered the room.

"No" Niall mumbled into the pillow on the bed.

"Hey it's okay, it's okay you can tell me" Louis said when Niall let out another burst of tears.

"How come you aren't on that plane right now with your beloved mate?"

Louis watched as Niall sighed, sitting up to rid his red eyes of the tears threatening to fall again.

"Because... because I'm pregnant"

And it's safe to say that Louis did not see that coming.

I honestly kinda hate this book now. Like it's just progressively getting worse and I don't know how to make it better.

I have so much more to get through with this book but I don't want to make it super long

But it's whatever. I'll keep going ig

I've started working on a new book incase you guys were wondering. Probably won't ever publish it but you never know. Maybe in the future

I've seen a lot of Cherry slander on Twitter and honestly... that was one of Harry's most vulnerable songs and I'll never forgive you guys for making a joke out of it. And yeah, I know a lot of people don't like Camille, I'm not too fond of her myself but there was no need for some people to go as far as the did with the cou cou thing

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