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When Louis arrived at work he really wanted to scream in frustration.

For starters, it's busier than its ever been, people lined up out the front door and people crammed into booths and tables.

Second, the kitchen was an absolute mess, flour and sugar coated the floors, pots and pans and bowls were stacked high in the sink and on the counters. There was some sort of batter covering the back counter, part of it dry and crusty while the other part was dripping down onto the floor, creating a hazard for anybody walking through.

Third, Luke and Michael seemed to be having a lovers quarrel, Michael on his tippy toes, finger jabbing into Luke's chest as they argued.

Louis didn't waste any time, he just threw on his black apron and got to work cleaning the kitchen. No work could be done at a cafe if the kitchen was a disaster.

"Luke! You. Don't. Get. To. Dictate. What. I. Do!" Louis heard Michael yell, each word a jab to Lukes chest.

He laughs in his head.

He and Harry had the same fight a while back and it ended in anger sex. Then he cringed. As much as he adored Micheal he didn't need to picture that.

"Michael you are pregnant! Pregnant! You can't go out there and tell people to leave! One, it's rude and two, what if somebody tried to hurt you? What if they hurt you or the baby?" Luke said back, his voice getting softer near the end, Louis almost not being able to hear it.

Eavesdropping was wrong but everybody did it and Louis was no exception.

He scrubbed the counter harder, wanting to be done cleaning the kitchen so he could help in the front.

"It's not rude Luke. Some of those people have already paid and eaten and are just sitting there watching the line build. That's what's rude."

"Aha!" Louis outburst when he finally got the batter off the countertop, blushing when Luke and Michael both turned to stare at him.

"Sorry" he muttered, face red as he moved on to do the dishes.

The cook, a beta named Katie, was away on vacation and the dishwasher Toby was away on maternity leave, leaving the rest of the staff to do their jobs.

The bad thing is that the only other person who could actually cook and bake is a 4'10 omega named Violet who had an overbearing, 6'5 alpha who only let her go to work when he could go with her.

Today was one of the days he could not go with her, therefore she wasn't there.

Louis' cooking skills were shit. He could make frozen food but when it came to actual recipes, count him out.

"Mikey... just- just stay back here and try and help Louis. The poor lad is probably scarred from our fighting now" Luke sighed, pulling Michael into a hug, kissing him on top of the head.

"The recipe book is in the cabinet above the coffee maker, the two of you are smart and should be able to figure out how to make the food." And the tall alpha was off, probably going to politely ask people to leave so others could sit.

Luckily for the two omegas left in the kitchen, Violet had been in late the previous night and had made enough for them to have a little bit of time to try and make food.

Louis had no idea why it was so busy today. The cafe was small and wasn't exactly made to cater this many people.

"So Lou, how are the kids doing? It still amazes me that you have five children and are two years younger than me" Michael said as he starts helping Louis with the dishes.

"Yeah they're pretty good. Parker is missing a chunk of his hair and Williams ear was sliced off at the top but other than that, everything's fine" Louis replied.

It was quiet for a couple seconds, Michael deciding wether or not the younger boy was being serious, before bursting out laughing.

"I am so exited for children! They seem like so much fun!"

Louis scoffed a little bit, a short laugh escaping his lips.

"Trust me, they are not fun. They cry and they make messes and they cry some more and they whine" Louis ranted.

"They break things, they tear things to pieces, they cut off portions of their ears!" He went on.

"I love them so, so much and I wouldn't trade them for the world but be prepared because some days, you're going to think you're having a nightmare"

"Louis is there a new scandal happening?"

"Louis where is Harry?"

"Louis what are the baby genders?"

"Louis what is your thoughts on the new kids line of Gucci?"

"Louis! Louis! Louis!"

Well they figured out why there were so many people.

Word had gotten out that 'Harry Styles omega' worked at a cafe called 'M&L's sweets' and people had to come see for themselves what the up and coming models mate looked like in person.

They made more money that morning than they usually make in a day, which was a good thing because they had to close down early when a pap knocked Louis on the ground and in return, an omega girl punched the man straight in the face, knocking him on the ground and breaking his camera.

Louis thanked the girl, quietly asking if she could teach him how to punch, while Luke announced that they would be closing done for the day.

It was for the best anyways.

They were running out of everything, the coffee maker had shut down after one to many cups were made, and all of the workers had had their fair share of rude costumers.

Louis really hoped it wouldn't be like that for long. He would feel bad that he brought all those people there.

Yes, it was good for business, but technically, Michael and Luke didn't need business.

They had plenty of money from Luke's modeling and Michael had just wanted to run a small cafe that a few loyal costumers would return to everyday.

"Why don't you go home for the day Lou. Get some rest before you have to come back tomorrow" Luke told him.

Louis would have stayed behind and help clean but he really wanted to get home and take a nap. It had been a long day and he thinks that he deserved this early leave.

Luckily tomorrow was a day that Violet usually came in and she would be able to cook and they might not run out of food.

So, Louis left. He gave Michael a hug and drove away.

He was not ready for what he would encounter at the house.

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