3.1K 125 54

Just read a book and one of the usernames was harrysmonstercock  ...😐

Here's what we're not gonna do-

That. We are not going to do that.

Gate keeping the fandoms annoys the shit out if me. There are going to be new fans and people who are just exploring. Get over it.

God just the toxicity surrounding all their fandoms is giving me a h e a d a c h e

We hit 9k reads! I can't believe I'm almost at 10k reads. That number was the farthest from my mind when I published this book. My very first chapter on this book hit 1k reads!

Also I'd like to say that I'm really disappointed in this chapter because I really just did so bad on it so sorry


That's all Louis could hear was screaming.

A dark feeling crept up his tummy, sending a shiver down his spine as he shot out of bed.

He was four months pregnant, his belly barely beginning to show.

He felt Harry get up beside him, a sleepy fighting stance taking over his gangly limbs.

Louis could tell it wasn't from one of their children but the screams were close.

"What in the fuck?" Harry grumbled, voice deep with sleep.

Louis crept towards the window, shock prominent on his face.

"Hey Haz... come look at this" he said slowly, wincing as the hundreds of girls outside their house screamed louder, practically shaking the house.

"Oh. My. God" Harry drawled out, eyes widening in fear when he was seen.

"C-call your bodyguards or whatever you have" Louis said, stumbling around the room.

Reality was already setting into his mind, the fact that they were going to have move a lot sooner than planned stressing him out in the early hours of the morning.

"I-I'll go get the kids, you put clothes and bathroom stuff in duffle bags" Louis instructed, running out of the room.

The screams of the girls was practically shaking the house, news reporters out with their cameras really going to town with this one.

"Hey baby it's okay, it's okay, mummy's here" Louis coo'd when he saw the tears in his very youngest child's eyes.

"Let's get you dressed little Josie, we have a bit of a trip to take" he was planning on taking them to Harry's family cabin, far away from where the paps and fans would find them.

"Haz have you seen the diaper bag?!" Louis yelled across the house, frantically searching for the essential item.

"It's in the boys room, next to the dresser!" Harry shouted back.

It was hectic. The house was practically shaking with the screams of teenage girls, some probably older than Harry and Louis themselves, and with both of them running around the house trying to pack up essential items it was like an action scene in a movie.

"Oh my God Harry I love you!" A shout rang out from the crowd, causing Louis to laugh a little in light of the situation.

"Oh my God I love him too! What a coincidence" Louis whispered to himself.

The screams just continued, Louis and Harry both scrambling to get everything.

"Up and coming model Harry Styles seen being mobbed by an crowd of excited fans, himself, his mate, and their kids being shooed from the house. Insider says it looked like Styles lover was once again pregnant. Many fans agree" Louis read the article online aloud, glancing down at his growing belly.

He wasn't that far along, his belly barely stretched out.

Was it that noticeable? Did he look fat and people assumed?

"Stop doing that" he heard Harry say, looking to the left to see the man himself standing there, arms crossed with an angry look on his face.

"M'not doing anything" Louis mumbled, knowing exactly what Harry was talking about.

"I mean it Louis. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look. You are as beautiful to me as you were the first time I saw you. No article can tell me different" he stated, crossing the room to pull the omega to his chest.

"Why did you have to get famous?" Louis pouted. "Now I have to share you with thousands of other people" he cuddles closer to Harry, scenting the mans neck.

Harry was his and only his.

"Yes but I mated you" Harry said, booping Louis' nose. "I chose you and now we have five wonderful kids with two more on the way. Nobody else can compare to you"

"As if I would have let you choose anybody else" Louis snorted, burying his face in Harry's neck.

"Nobody else even crossed my mind baby. Just you" Harry reassured, rubbing up and done the omegas back.

"Not even Keira from freshman year? I would see why you could have chosen her" Louis mumbled. Keira had been nothing but nice, beautiful dark skin and soft brown hair drew everybody to her naturally.

"Nobody will ever have my attention as much as you Lou. Not even Keira. You are my one and only" he said, rubbing at Louis' ring finger.

He was definitely going to propose but now was not the time.

He would know when the time was right.

Yeah I hated this chapter

Anyways stream What A Feeling and Better

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