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Louis and Harry were young when it happened.

They were young and in love, unaware of the consequences to come with their actions.

Being so young, only fifteen and sixteen, they were naive.

So absolutely naive.

Louis had been a late presenter -late bloomers ran in his family- and was yet to experience the magical occurrence that was his first heat.

Magical his ass. He'd heard the stories. First heats were the worst and Louis was not looking forward to it.

Harry had presented early -just like the rest of his family- already enduring his first rut.

Harry could honestly say that it was exactly how he'd imagined.

Not that he really remembered it all too well, with the hazy mind and stuff that came with it, but it wasn't bad. Nothing compared to what he's heard about an omegas heat.

That night, that one fateful night when they had both gotten stripped down to their undergarments -they were best friends, no matter their secondary gender. They knew how to control themselves- Louis had felt the god forsaken heat creep into his skin, spreading all over his body, most prominently in his groin.

There was a brief moment in Louis' mind where fear ran through him.

Was this normal?

He didn't know much about his anatomy and how it worked. His parents were betas. They couldn't provide any help to him.

His second, small and brief moment of thought was, what about Harry?

The love they shared, even at this young age, was uncomparable to anything anybody near them could compete with.

Louis' eyes had turned a dark, indigo blue, his body letting out an un-involuntary whine, causing his already flushed cheeks to go even more red.

"H-Harry, w-wha-ts h-happeni-ng" Louis stuttered out, gripping the sheets in agony. His mind couldn't tell the difference between pain and pleasure and Louis' small body wasn't prepared.

"Louis? Is that you I smell? It smells really good in here." Harry drawled out, turning a bit to look over his shoulder at his tiny best friend.

"I-I-I- H-Har-ry-" Louis moaned out. He couldn't control his mind anymore.

He'd read about this in books. When in the early stages of heat, when it is usually the strongest, ones mind literally goes blank. They can't think of anything else except getting their fix.

"Louis I think that you-" The alpha wasn't able to finish his sentence, overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of pure lust, coursing through his body.

When ones soul connects with another -usually after they have both presented and gone through their respective cycles- they both feel the bond come together, alerting them that yeah, that's my mate.

Harry's has never in his life felt like this. This lustful and needy.

He wanted- no, he needed- Louis right now, and nobody was going to take him.

All it took was five days and they were both back to their right mindset.

Granted they already knew they were going to lose their virginity to each other, but they had wanted it to be special. They wanted to be legal when it happened.

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