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Harry was panicking.

Fuck, he was panicking.

In the middle of his photo shoot, he got the call that Louis was being rushed to the hospital, the phone operater saying that he was going into labor and was bleeding an excess amount.

Harry couldn't have moved faster.

He didn't even bother to change out of the white pinstriped shirt and fedora type hat he had for the photo shoot, just ran out of the building with the loud shout of "emergency!" And took off in his car.

Now he was pacing the waiting room, not allowed to be in the room this time as they operated on his mate.

His Louis, his mate, was in there, in pain, and they wouldn't let Harry be there.

Those were Harry's babies. Harry's family.

He was about ready to tear through the hospital in a ferocious rage.

Liam and Zayn were there, along with his mother, Niall, and unfortunately, his children. (Not because he didn't love them, he loved them more than life itself, but because he didn't want them to see him like this. They might not remember it when their older but it could leave permanent scars on their relationship. Harry read about it in a parenting handbook)

All persons over eighteen were trying to calm down the raging alpha, none succeeding.

"Harry" his mother's voice broke through. "He's going to be okay love, stuff like this happens all the time. Trust the doctors honey, they have it under control" she rubbed his back, trying to soothe him the way she used too.

But Harry couldn't stop the thoughts rolling in his head.

What if Louis didn't make it? What if his babies didn't make it? What if the doctors mess up?

This was a different hospital than the one Harry's currently having a debacle with, meaning that Harry isn't familiar with the quality of their work.

Anne went back to tending to the children with Niall and Zayn while Liam took the liberty to be the next one to try and help calm the raging man.

"Haz, it's going to be okay. Louis is strong, he is going to make it. Plus, he vowed that he would outlive me and this would be a pretty shitty way to lose that bet" he tried to crack a joke, calling it a small win when Harry's lips twitched upwards.

"Louis doesn't want to leave you and the children, so he's not going to. He would defy all odds to be able to stay here with you're not so little family. Even if it meant cheating death itself." Liam said truthfully.

He remembers the time Louis came to his and Zayns apartment, needing a place to vent his feelings and a place where he knew someone would listen.

It had almost made Liam glad him and Zayn were able to wait until they got -he feels like using the term "he got children" is derogatory but he's not sure what other word to use- children and they could be old enough to handle the stress that came with it.

Not that Louis and Harry couldn't handle it, they were just a bit naive and a bit more unprepared than someone of an older age would be.

Liams monologue seemed to calm Harry down a considerable amount, the alpha taking a deep breath before going to finally sit down.

Liam let out a sigh of relief, receiving a tight hug from Zayn as he sat down too.

"You're amazing"

Four hours.

Four fucking hours.

Liams speech had calmed Harry down for the first two hours but as the minutes bore on he became more agitated, pulling at his hair and pacing the hallways.

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