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This is a ziam chapter following the events of the previous chapter.

Non edited

As Zayn drove to his and Liams shared apartment, he had to keep constantly shaking his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

They were about to drive him mad.

In one sense, he was overjoyed for his smaller omega friend. Being pregnant was in the highest esteem.

On the other, Zayn envied that Louis could get pregnant so easily and he couldn't get pregnant at all.

His family told him that he'd never amount to anything and this was fates way of proving that statement.

When he pulled into the parking lot of the six story building he didn't dare get out the the car.

He preferred to sit there and let his thoughts consume him.

What made everything worse was in was pouring rain, causing it to sound like bullets raining down on Zayns car. In one sense, Zayn maybe wished they were bullets.

He really didn't want to see Liam but he felt too exhausted to even open the door to get out of his car.

So, even though he didn't want to face the alpha quite yet, he still texted him, asking to come and retrieve him.

Minutes later, the alpha came running out of the building, his hood covering his head from the rain.

Liam pulled the door open quickly, surprised to see that it looked like Zayn had been crying.

"Baby" Liam cooed when Zayn just held out his arms to be carried.

They had rented their own apartment together when Karen had gotten a nice paying job at some big company downtown with all the more luxurious living people.

They were actually living in the same building that Louis and Harry had stayed in for the short period of time they had actually lived there.

Running into the building proved a little difficult for Liam.

Not because Zayn was heavy, he was far from it actually, but because he didn't want to slip on the wet pavement.

The rain was coming down hard and thunder would sound every few minutes, causing Zayn to curl more into Liam. He hated thunder storms with every bone and fiber in his petite body.

They finally made it inside, Liam running up the stairs to their apartment. Unlike Louis and Harry, who were stupid and chose to live on the sixth floor, Liam and Zayn were smart and chose to live on the second floor.

They quickly made it inside, Liam rushing to get dry clothes for the both of them after gently setting Zayn on the bed.

"Here you go" Liam said, setting down a pair of grey sweatpants and one of the alphas sweatshirts that was sure to be huge on Zayns thin frame.

They had finally settled down under the warm sheets when Liam asked what had been nagging at him since the car.

"What's wrong Zayn?" He asked, and Zayn knew he was being genuine as the alpha had used his real name.

"Nothin'" Zayn mumbled, turning away from the alpha, stuffing his face in the unsatisfactory, cold pillow next to him.

"C'mon Zee, I know you better than that" Liam pleaded, also turning so he could still wrap his arms around Zayn.

"It's nothing Liam" Zayn grumbled sharply.

"If it was nothing, you would have told me already" Liam snapped back, sitting up to look at Zayn.

"Just let it go Liam!" Zayn shouted, tears stinging the back of his eyes as he tried to untangle from the sheets on the bed.

"No! Tell me what's wrong!" Liam shouted. He could see the tears in his lovers eyes and wanted to know why they were there.

"You're gon' hate me" Zayn choked out, his legs shaking.

"I could never hate you baby" Liam cooed, stepping closer to Zayn to hug him, frowning when the omega took a step back.

"How much do you want children Liam?" Zayn asked, his eyes glued to the wall behind the alpha.

"What does that hav- are you pregnant?" Liam asked, running to Zayn before the omega could stop him.

Placing his large hands on the small expanse of Zayns stomach, Liam asked again.
"Is there a baby i-" but before he could finish his sentence Zayn was pushing Liams hands off of him, whimpering as he shook his head.

"I'm not pregnant Liam" Zayn sobbed out.
"That's the problem!" Zayn cry-shouted, inhaling salty tears.

"I... I don't understand" Liam hesitated, still standing a couple feet away from Zayn.

"I'm infertile Liam! I can't reproduce! We will never have children!" Zayn shouted, sinking down to the floor, pulling his legs to his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees.

Liam felt as it he'd been shot.

Yes, he wanted kids, what alpha didn't. And yes, he very badly wanted to have kids with Zayn.

But if Zayn couldn't do that, then they could find something else. There was always the option of getting a surrogate, but Liam didn't really fancy that idea. He didn't enjoy the thought ofhis sperm being in somebody that wasn't Zayn.

They could adopt. There were plenty of children that needed a home, a home that Liam and Zayn could provide. They wouldn't really ever have the same bond that they would have with biological children but they could work through it.

Liam sank to his knees in front of Zayn, reaching out to grab to omegas chin.

"Why would you think I would hate you?" Liam asked, tears pooling in his eyes.

"You- I- there's no baby" Zayn choked out, shoving his face in between knees, taking Liams fingers with.

"I could never hate you baby" Liam said softly, slowly moving to hug Zayn close to his body, feeling the omega shaking.

"B-but I can't... n-no heir f-for yo-" but Zayns was sobs were cut off by Liam placing his lips over his boyfriends.

It wasn't fast and desperate, it was slow and full of love.

"We can figure it out babe, it'll all be alright" Liam whispered into Zayns hair, pulling the small boy into his lap.

If they both fell asleep there, dry tear tracts on their cheeks but smiles on their faces, then nobody had to know.

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