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Once again, Louis woke up to the familiar nauseous feeling, having to gently push his children away from him as he ran across the hall to the bathroom.

He made it to the bathroom with little time to spare, having a couple seconds to bend over the toilet before he was ridding his body of breakfast.

He had no idea what time it was.

He had fallen asleep around what he thought was noon, so it couldn't be too late at night. Apparently the term morning sickness didn't mean anything.

He almost had a heart attack when he felt arms wrap around him and a pair of lips kiss the back of his neck.

He calmed down when he inhaled the scent of Harry, then squealed, turning around fast and nearly tackling the alpha to the floor because it was Harry! He was back early!

"You're back!" He squealed, hugging the alpha tight, never wanting to let him go again.

"I'm back" Harry chuckled, running his hands up and down Louis' back. He could fell the knots of stress in the omegas tense muscles, wanting nothing more than to relieve the small boy of anything that might be causing him discomfort.

He went to press another kiss to Louis' forehead but before he could, the omega was quickly turning around again, expelling mostly stomach acid this time.

"When... should we go get the test?" Harry asked, grabbing a piece of toilet paper to wipe the little bit of spit away from the omegas mouth.

"Tomorrow probably" Louis mumbled, already wanting to fall asleep again.

"Alright baby I'm gonna bring you back to bed now" Harry cooed, picking up the omega, glancing at the toothpaste that sat on the counter beside their toothbrushes.

Louis was already asleep but, 'fuck it' Harry thought. The blue eyed omega would castrate him if he found that Harry had let him go to bed with bile breath.

So, Harry gently brushed Louis' teeth, brushing slowly to ensure the omega would stay asleep, coming up on a problem when it came time to rinse the toothpaste out.

It eventually came out to be a very awkward situation. Not because Harry wasn't comfortable, but because of the way Louis flopped around like deadweight. It made Harry's job very hard. He and ended up doing what probably should've been plan Z, and used a rag to literally wipe the inside of Louis' mouth.

How the omega didn't wake up was beyond him.

He lifted the omega off the bathroom counter, walking across the hallway and into the room where all five of the pups were still asleep.

He laid Louis down gently in the middle of the bed, all of children immediately migrating towards him subconsciously.

He placed a chaste kiss on Louis forehead, doing the same with all of their puppies, before walking out to finish up the cleaning of the house.


"Louis you have to get up"



"Go away Haz m'tryna sleep"

Harry rolled his eyes slightly, picking the tiny omega up off the bed and carrying him bridle style towards the kitchen.

"Harry Edward! What are you doing!" Louis squealed.

"The only things you've eaten today, you've thrown up so I made you your favorite dish" Harry said, pulling a face when he saw that Josie had managed to get spaghetti all over her face.

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