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So I messed up on their ages. Maybe I'm thinking to hard but I broke my brain thinking about it so just know that Zayn, Harry, and Liam are 18 and Niall and Louis are 17.

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Louis had felt a lot of de ja vu recently.

Here he was, having the same symptoms he had not to long ago.

Throwing up was constant and the smell of eggs made him want to die.

Louis and Harry were in the process of moving into a small house- of course they had waited until the lease was up on their apartment- closer to Anne.

Harry was making his way up in the modeling business, slowly but surely. His paychecks were bigger than either of them had expected.

Since he was no longer an assistant and his career was getting settled out and less hectic, he was home more to help Louis and watch his children grow up.

The house they were moving into was only a small three bedroom 1 1/2 bathroom house but it was more than Louis could ask for. He didn't need anything too big because he had Harry and the twins and that's all he needed.

Louis was in the process of sorting the silverware into the correct spot when the need to throw up hit him like a freight train.

He barely made it to the bathroom before he was emptying everything he ate for breakfast.

Harry was back at their old apartment with Liam and Nialls boyfriend Shawn, getting all the heavy stuff and loading it into the back of the truck -courtesy of Shawns cousin- to take to the house.

The twins were staying at Anne's house until they were done unloading and unpacking everything at the new place.

Louis and Harry were still sleeping at the apartment, -albeit on air mattresses- until they were fully ready to move into the new house.

Niall and Zayn were placing items in the living room when they saw their beloved friend zoom past them, sprinting into the small half bathroom in the hallway.

Seeing that the small omega was regurgitating breakfast, Niall ran to the kitchen to get a water bottle for Louis to drink and try to wash the taste out because unfortunately, his tooth brush was still at the.

"Let it out Lou. It's ok we got you some water when you feel better" Zayn soothed, rubbing his hand over Louis' back in circular motions.

"Have some water Lou, it'll make your throat feel better." Niall suggested, handing the bottle to Zayn who unscrewed the cap and brought it to Louis' trembling lips.

After he had downed half the bottle, Louis laid his head back against the wall beside him and closed his eyes.

"M'really sleepy" he whispered. His throat hurt and he didn't have a tooth brush to wash his mouth with.

"I'll call Liam and tell him to grab your tooth brush before they come back over" Zayn said, grabbing for his phone in his back pocket.

"Have you been throwing up a lot recently?" Niall asked.

He wanted to make sure because Louis' heat wasn't to long ago and they've discovered that neither of them pay attention to small details.

Such as Harry remembering a condom.

"Lil' bit" Louis mumbled out. He was absolutely exhausted.

"What have you been eating lately?" He pressed on. Niall knew a lot about pregnancy. He himself only had an older brother but he had many aunts and uncles who had many children.

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