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A little bit edited

Turns out, having twins is hard.

The pups were already six months old and already learning how to roll over.

They'd started teething a while ago, their teeth slowly starting to grow in and become useful.

They learned that if they cry loud enough, they could get their mummy's attention and basically get whatever they wanted.

Louis was constantly exhausted. Physically and mentally.

William and Parker didn't cry as much as they did when they first brought the babies home but they still cried a considerable amount.

They were both mummy's boys for sure, never wanting to be away from Louis, always crying immediately when he walked away and wouldn't stop crying until he came back.

Apart from the babies, Harry was gone for his job all the time.

He had turned seventeen right before the babies were born and was basically working as a very high paid personal assistant until his boss thought he'd be good to be a model.

Harry's career hadn't taken off quite yet, the alpha still being at a beginners level, trying to perfect his runway walk and find his style. He did, however, have to go in constantly for fittings and training.

Now Louis was happy for Harry. In fact he couldn't be happier for the alpha.

He was doing something that he really enjoyed and it payed him a lot of money.

But he was never home.

He was out the door in the mornings before Louis even woke up and, on a rare good day, didn't come home until 11:00 when Louis was already sleeping.

Or pretending to sleep.

Louis would call Anne to help, but he didn't want to feel like a burden. He had already taken Harry away from her by getting pregnant, he didn't want to take up her time of day because he couldn't take care of his children.

So he called Niall.

And Niall called Liam.

And Liam called Zayn.

And they ended up in some sort of de ja vu paradox, only this time, they were all crowded in Louis and Harry's bathroom, not Nialls. Instead of taking a pregnancy test, they were discussing a plan of action for when the babies awoke from their naps.

"Liam and Zayn, you guys set out the two jars of baby food, one for each and please wash the baby spoon, I forgot too. William likes the strawberry banana food the most so set that one out. God really gave me a lucky child and for that, I shame her." Louis said bemusedly, taking a deep breath of air before continuing.

"Niall I need you to help me get them up and dressed because they won't sleep in clothes and I have to put one extra blanket in their cribs. I don't know why god had to give me the pickiest babies but she did and I hope she's happy that she made my life harder than it already is. Niall, I also need you to get the changing table ready just in case because I had to take the changing pad off and clean it because Parker shit everywhere and I didn't have enough time to put it back" Louis' face was red by the end of his mini speech. He was afraid of his friends not knowing what to do, or that his friends would judge the way he did things and he went in his over explaining mode.

Having children didn't make him any less insecure.

"Yes sir!" They joked, saluting Louis like he was an Army general.

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