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Guys I know next to nothing about laws and suing so if I get this wrong don't come at me😂 I'm trying my best

I've noticed that people are actually reading this?

There's like 800 reads so far so I'd call that an accomplishment.


"Yes Lou. I talked to my boss because he's all big on that stuff and he said we need to file for a lawsuit" Harry said, rubbing up and down Louis' back in a comforting manner.

"How would we even go about doing it?" Louis stressed, rubbing his face with his hands.

It was almost eleven o'clock at night and he and Harry were still up talking.

"Mr. Pinault said that we need to act quickly and decide wether or not we could actually do this"

"Can we do it? I mean how do we know that it wasn't just a mess up?" Louis asked, biting his nails.

The hospital was refusing to see them until they paid a bill that they were both 99% sure they paid already.

"Louis it wasn't a mess up. We can go to the bank and prove that we took that money out for a hospital bill. For Christ's sakes that was a $2,000 bill! We can't get that money back and we certainly can't afford to pay that again anytime soon!" Harry whispered shouted. He was outraged. The hospital was trying to con them. He can't even imagine how many people had fallen for this before them.

"So what would happen if we sue them and we lose?" Louis asked, running his clammy hands through his hair. This was stressing him out and his pregnancy wasn't making it any better.

"I'm not sure what happens then. We'd probably have to pay them the $2,000 we are supposedly 'missing' and deal with the consequences but we aren't going to think like that. I think we could do this" Harry said, grasping Louis' small hands in his and squeezing.

Louis was still confused. He didn't exactly understand how the laws really worked or how they would even go about doing this. "So what happens if we win? Do we just not get anything? Do we get $2,000 back?"

(Now guys I don't know if this is how this works but it's what i have planned so I'm going with it)

"Baby, this is huge. They have maybe been coning people for years and years. Imagine how much money families have lost because of that. If we are going to sue them, we are suing them for everything they're worth. We'd be getting millions of dollars" Harry answered, clenching and unclenching his hands around Louis'.

"Millions? That's a lot of money though isn't it? Would we own the hospital then? I'm really not understanding this" Louis sighed frustratedly, tears pricking just eyes. He had a bad habit of crying when he was frustrated and right now, he was really frustrated.

Harry wanted to sue a hospital, which he wasn't even sure they could do, his boss was encouraging it, they could potentially lose $2,000 over this which is no small amount of money, and on top of it all, they were about to have seven children running around their house.

If somebody had told him three years ago that this was going to be his life, he would have laughed at them and said they were crazy.

He had never seen himself being a housewife or a mum of many children. He wanted to play footie and go to uni and study in medical school, which was ironic since now Harry wants to sue a hospital.

"We are going to need lawyers Harry. And we need evidence that they've been doing this and we'll need to be seen in front of a judge and a jury and it will take a long time and the only thing I'm seeing is fat dollar signs. Not the good dollar signs either, the ones that say we lost and now we don't have any dollar signs." Louis breathed out, getting up so he could walk around a bit and regather his thoughts.

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