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The beginning of this chapter is based loosely off a meme I saw

Also, sorry I use american ways, I am from America, if you have any questions on the money or schooling, just messsge me and we can work something out

"Daycare? People want me to babysit their children like I have a fucking daycare?"

"Why is this even a thing?"

"Lou, don't do it. My aunt ran a daycare and she hated it. Kids are absolute nightmares" Niall said, munching on a bag of chips.

"I'm aware Niall, I do have my own" Louis huffed, looking at the strange website he found.

Louis and kids!
The one and only mate and omega of the Harry Styles will babysit your children for the low price of 30$ and hour! Comment below the time and date and we will contact Louis and set it up!

Louis felt bad for the people that commented below and never got their kids babysat. Technically, it wasn't his fault because he did not know this was a thing, nor did he give consent for it to be a thing.

Also, 30$ and hour? That's a ripoff if Louis' ever seen one. That is an outrageously high price.

"Do people understand I can barely handle my own children? And they want me to look after theirs? Thank you next, bitch"

"Think about it Louis. Thirty dollars an hour for multiple people to bring their children will start to add up quickly" Niall input, Louis grimacing as the boy wiped his greasy fingers on his pants.

And didn't Niall just tell him not to do it?

"But I have to pay for enough food for them and probably baby proof things and that's all too much work. Being seven months pregnant is hard work and I don't need snotty brats running around my house when I already have five of my own for free"

Louis, if it wasn't obvious, wasn't in a particularly good mood. Not because of the website- that was actually kinda funny- but because he was still just so tired all the time.

He felt like he cried more often than not and that made Harry stress, and when Harry stressed he got mad quickly, so with Louis' over sensitive crying and Harry's anger, they made a not pleasant combination.

There were days when Louis would lay flat on his back on the floor and cry while his children ran around him.

He wanted to be strong, but it was getting so much harder. His back pains were getting worse and worse and his migraines increased to about five days a week.

All this stress was not good for the babies, Louis knew that, and he was trying to calm himself down, but when he looked at his kids, and Harry, he thought about how much he thought he was disappointing them and it made him so sad.

Thinking about it was making him tear up, quickly trying to wipe away the tears before they came down like a waterfall.

"Louis? You okay?" too late.

"Yeah I'm fine" he lied, sniffing a bit as he tried to wipe away the incoming tears that didn't seem to want to stop.

"Do you want me to call Harry? I'll call Harry" Niall said, wiping his greasy fingers on his pants.

"No! No, don't do that. Today is important and he has a big photo shoot and I'm fine, I just need to lay down for a little bit- ah" his breath hitched in his throat when a sharp pain ran across his side, causing him to double over and catch his breath.

"Lou? Do I need- should I call someone?" Niall sounded concerned, patting Louis' back in attempt to sooth the omega in pain.

"I just- ah- need to- holy mother of god" Louis wheezed, tears beginning to stream down his face at the immense pain coursing through his body.

"Lou? Louis?!" He heard Niall yell in worry but he didn't response. It felt like his brain was all fuzzy and his limbs were like jello.

It hurt so bad. None of his previous pregnancies were like this.

Not even close.

He didn't even feel that he was laying on the floor until Nialls hands were running though his hair, reassuring him that the paramedics were on their way.

"It's gonna be okay Lou, the paramedics are on their way, everything is going to be fine"

"Harry?" Louis' quiet voice asked.

"No lou, Harry isn't here right now but he is going to meet us at the hospital, okay? Harry will be there"

"I want Harry now" Louis cried, clinging to Nialls torso.

"I know Lou, I know"

Short little chapter here

If you had to choose, what are your favorite songs from 5sos album CALM?

Mine are Red Desert, Easier, and wildflower

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