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Can I just clarify that the words in italics at the beginning did not happen, it's Louis' thoughts that are quoting a song

I thought it would be cute.

Niall is around seven and a half months pregnant, I would say because of the time jump that I did in like chapter 21 or something. Louis and Nialls children will be pretty close in age



"You remember that day you fell out of my window?"

"I sure do you came jumping out after me"

"Well, you fell in the concrete and nearly broke your ass, and you were bleeding all over the place and I rushed you to the hospital, you remember that?"

"Yes, I do"

"Well there's something I never told you about that night"

"What didn't you tell me?"

"While you were sitting in the backseat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last, I was falling deep, deeply in love with you, and I never told you until now"

Home. Let me come home.

Home is wherever I'm with you.

As Louis gazed at Harry, who was asleep beside him in an uncomfortable hospital chair, he let the lyrics run through his mind.

Home was wherever Harry was.

Always was and always will be.

"You're babies will be able to come home with you guys in about three months if everything goes according to plan"

Louis inhaled sharply.

Three months was a long time for their babies to not be at home with them.

Today was the day Louis was being released, his blood finally at a stable and healthy level.

"If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask" the nurse informed, trying to hide the fact that she very clearly knew who they were and was trying to keep it professional.

"Are there visiting hours for us to see the babies? Or can we come anytime?" Louis asked.

The nurse -Teresa-, as her name tag said- looked at them, still a bit starstruck it appeared.

"Visiting hours are from six a.m to ten p.m. Your babies will be fed at four o'clock and eight o'clock in the morning, noon, four o'clock, and eight o'clock in the afternoon"

Louis nodded his head in understanding, hiding the fact that he was upset.

He couldn't just get up at night and see his babies. He had to wait until six o'clock rolled around and even then, he wasn't able to have the skin on skin contact his motherly instincts so craved.

He wasn't even allowed to say goodbye to them because it was feeding time.

It absolutely crushed him that he couldn't see them wherever he wanted.

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