27 -epilogue-

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Ok so I had an actual epilogue planned and I started writing it and it sucked really really bad so I'll just give like an outline of what happens so I can just jump right in on the next book (also sorry for typos I had to keep switching back and forth between the second book and this one)

You don't actually have to vote for this chapter because I know it sucks ass and is a terrible way to leave a book off so I'm sorry

Louis and Harry get married a year after the twins are born.

Two years after the twins are born, Louis and Harry try for another kid, hoping for it to be a single child which was wishful thinking because there were four heartbeats next to Louis. Long story short they had quadruplets, three girls and one boy, Remi, Theia, Paxton, and Finley.

Niall and Shawn have twins, both girls named Molly, and Frankie Ray.

They also get married shortly after but they don't take each others last names (which Ik this sounds weird but there are so many people where I live that do this) and their kids kinda just don't have a real last name. It's like neutral

Zayn and Liam adopt two kids around the same age as Parker and William, their parents both Chinese but technically from France, named Levi and Iva.

Gigi and zendaya moved away because gigi got a better job at a higher paying hospital elsewhere so they aren't in the second book, only just mentioned

Luke and Michael have their first daughter named Carolina(direct song reference) who is somewhere between the age of the triplets and Allie and Mars

Calum have their first and only child, Georgia- Rose(song reference again, obviously) who is a couple months younger than Allie and Mars(calum was preggers during the trial but not far enough along for Louis to tell)

Next, Zayn and Liam are able to adopt another child, a girl named Isa, born mere days after the triplets, also from France.

Michael and Luke have their first boy named porter who is around the same age as the quadruplets

Louis and Harry have their last and first al child who is seven years younger than the quadruplets and is the youngest of all the kids in this book, names Atticus.

Liams be Zayn also adopt their last child, a boy two years older than Atticus, named Kai, who is from America but his parents, much like Levi and Iva's are Chinese

Niall and Shawn have a last child, a boy(lol I guess it's a reoccurring theme with their last kids being boys) who is a couple months older than Kai, named Anders.

The last child being brought into the second book is a girl(who I low key forgot about) named Diana(song reference) who is the daughter of Michael and Luke and she is a year younger than the quadruplets

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