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I'm sorry the last chapter was so bad

Today was the day they could finally take the babies home.

Louis had woke up at approximately 3:30 out of excitement, pacing the hallway, checking his children's rooms to make sure they were sleeping peacefully.

He had gotten in his car and drove to the hospital at 4:45, having to wait a full hour before he could go in and get them.

It was worth it though.

Harry had pulled in beside him five minutes before he went in, dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that was too big, even on him.

They'd walked in at exactly 6:00, Louis practically running to the NICU section to see his babies.

"Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles! How lovely to see you bright and early this morning" Nurse Teresa greeted, opening the door to the baby room.

"Little Alessandra and little Mars are ready to begin their journey at home"

Louis was barely listening to what she was saying, already picking Mars up from his crib, hugging his baby tightly to his body as he tried to contain his sobs.

His head felt foggy as they checked the babies out, barely registering them walking to the car and putting the car seats in the back.

"You okay babe?"

Yeah, he was amazing actually. His family was going to be all together.

He could cry because yeah, he was definitely okay.

Louis laid his head back on the seat, turning his head to face Harry with a dopey expression, "Yeah. I'm great"

"Stop cryingggg" Louis dragged out, bouncing Allie on his hip to try and get her to stop crying and go back to sleep.

It was four in the morning and Louis had already been up four times.

None of his other babies cried this much.

Louis' actions for trying to get her to stop crying only seemed to make her cry harder, her little face practically turning purple as she screamed.

This caused Mars to wake up, crying as well, which then invoked the waking of their other five children because why not, it wasn't like Louis wanted to go to sleep anyways -note the sarcasm.

A groan from the doorway told Louis that Harry was finally awake.

Tired, but awake.

"Hand her to me, you can go make a bottle and get the twins and the girls settled back down" he mumbled, gently grabbing the crying baby from Louis' arms while the omega tried not to fall asleep while making a bottle.

An hour later, Louis and Harry finally got Allie to calm down and the rest in bed, both collapsing into the couch in exhaustion.

"We have too many" Harry groaned, rubbing his hands over his face.

Louis let out a small laugh, cuddling up to Harry's side on the right couch.

"There's no such thing as too many" Louis mumbled into Harry's neck.

Both of them eventually fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms and everything in that moment was perfect.

They had healthy children, a happy home life, and most importantly, they had each other.

And that was all that mattered.

Sorry this is short

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