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5 months later (sorry for these big time gaps, I promise it will eventually even out)

Kind of edited ig

"No! I don't want her and John together! Her and Peter are so much better!"

Louis was a big eight and a half months pregnant.

Big pregnant. Bigger than he was when he was with the twins.

That's because he wasn't having twins.

He was having triplets. All girls.

He cried for a week after they found out, but they were not happy tears. They were the tears of a pregnant, seventeen year old omega who already has two children.

Now he's gonna be seventeen with five children.
What was his life turning into?

Soon after his week long breakdown, he went into a shopping frenzy. He didn't mean to buy as much stuff as he did.

They had a spare bedroom that was meant for guests, but was now turned into the girls nursery. Louis had painted the walls white, using tape to make pastel pink lines up and down and across the walls in no specific pattern. They had to buy three more cribs, all a darker grey color. Along with that they also had to buy another changing table. One was not enough for five children.

Louis had spent hours making paper cranes to hang from the ceiling, thinking it would be a cute idea.

They had a sort-of baby shower. Everybody brought baby clothes and diapers and other essential items leaving Harry and Louis with more than enough supplies.

He had nested a week after he told Harry, stealing all the alphas clothes and even taking his pillow to make them into a nice pile in the corner of the room, the same place he made the last one.

Now, Louis spent his days doing yoga(which he secretly hates but loves does anyways) and watching movies.

Like right now, he was currently sitting on the big purple beanbag, Parker roughly pulling at Louis' hair, blabbering out nonsense.

William was attached to Zayns hip, seeing as the darker skinned omega was over along with Niall.

Today, Harry actually had another photoshoot so Niall and Zayn had come over to give Louis company.

They were watching To all the boys I've loved before, p.s I still love you.

"Fuck you John! I want Peter!" He yelled at the t.v.

Suddenly Parker started giggling like crazy.

"What's so funny you silly boy" Louis asked, booping his nose.

"Mummy peed!" He shouted, giggling like a mad man.

Only it wasn't pee.
Louis' eyes widened comically as he felt the wetness  of the liquid pooling around him.

They were going to have to seriously wash that beanbag.

"Oh shit" Zayn whispered, standing up much to the dissatisfaction of the little boy in his arms.

"Call Harry!" He whisper yelled at Niall who was still sitting on the couch, a dumbfounded look on his face.

"I'll go get the bags!" Zayn yelled over dramatically, running towards the back of the house, the toddler still in his arms.

All the while Louis was struggling to get up.

Maybe the beanbag was a bad idea.

"Harry! Get over here Louis' water broke and I think I'm gonna have a heart attack!" Niall shouted into the phone. He was just now learning that he was not good under pressure. He had no clue what to do.

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