HU - J-Dog

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After a long day in the studio, I just wanted to come home, eat, watch some tv and sleep. However as I close the front door I hear voices coming from the living room, one belonging to Vanessa and the other I couldn't quite place. It looked like my relaxing night wasn't going to be as relaxing as I'd like.

'Are you being serious right now y/n?' Vanessa laughs out loud.

I freeze, did Vanessa just say y/n's name? There was no way in hell y/n could be in town without me knowing, we told each other everything. We'd known each other since we were kids, though y/n was a couple of years younger our parents were friends. We had similar interests and I kept an eye on y/n and protected her. We'd never even attempted the whole 'relationship' thing because I saw her as a sister and she saw me as a brother, and neither of us wanted to make things awkward.

'See I have proof Vanessa when I went to see my parents J's parents came over and we got talking about our childhood, and they let me borrow some photo albums as did my own parents and holy hell did they document a lot of embarrassing memories of the two of us,' y/n replies and starts giggling.

I knew parents documented their kids' childhoods, but no way in hell did I want any of those images in y/n's possession because even though y/n came across as sweet she had no qualms blackmailing. I straighten my snapback, take a deep breath and round the corner entering the living room.

y/n notices me first and grins mischievously, 'oh look who's home Vanessa, our very own robin hood.'

Vanessa wipes a tear away cracking up before turning to face me, 'hi babe...y/n's here by the way...I think you looked very cute as robin hood.'

I flip both of them off which only results in them losing their minds even more. y/n laughs so much she falls off the sofa with a thud.

I laugh, 'now that was very amusing.'

y/n pouts and make grabbing motions with her hands, 'help your best friend up J.'

I roll my eyes but comply, going to her aid and getting her back on her feet, 'why didn't you tell me you were back in town?'

y/n shrugs before hugging me, 'surprise!'

Vanessa awes from the sofa, 'you two are so cute together.'

I watch my wife go back to flipping through the photo album in her lap, probably finding her own fuel to blackmail me with in the future. y/n releases me from the hug and straightens their T-shirt.

'Are we still best friends after I've done this to you?' y/n chuckles, running her fingers through her hair.

I snort, lean over and ruffle her hair, 'of course we're best friends y/n. No one else would put up with your shenanigans.'

y/n swats my hand away and attempts to fix her hair, 'good, because I may or may not have sent the guys some photos.'

My jaw drops as I'm unable to come up with a reply to y/n's bombshell. I didn't need the guys having material on me as well, which explains why y/n asked me to confirm we were still best friends because she'd already betrayed me.

Vanessa clears her throat, 'it's just innocent shenanigans J.'

I meet y/n's eye, they were full-on innocent puppy dog, while her lips were a perfect picture of mischief, oh she was very good indeed. My life would be a lot more boring without y/n in my life to turn my world upside down.

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