*REQUESTED* BMTH - Jordan Fish

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Requested by tweenageromance

Who's Better? (DADDY KINK)


"Can you believe y/band/n sold out our first world tour in less than three hours?"

Your drummer throws her hands in the air whooping with excitement making you chuckle. You were sat on your boyfriend Jordan's lap outside the Bring Me The Horizon bus. Yes, you were dating Jordan Fish and you loved him to pieces.

"Yeah, but it probably took your band opening for Bring Me The Horizon to get you enough new fans to sell tickets y/n."

And here it started. Both you and Jordan were passionate about your bands as you both played the exact same instrument, but it also meant the two of you got quite competitive and started comparing bands to see whose was, in fact, better.

"Oh, really Jordan. Because last time I looked my band is only on our second album and already our music is considered better than Bring Me The Horizon both critic and chart wise."

You loved pushing your boyfriends' buttons, and you could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as his fingers dug into your hip making you gasp at the roughness.

"Let's take this party onto our bus, leave the two lovebirds out here to calm down a bit."

Everyone else agrees with Oli and quickly rushes into Bring Me The Horizon's bus leaving you and Jordan alone. Jordan takes the opportunity to lean in and nibbles the spot just above your collar bone making you shiver with anticipation.

"Did you raise your voice at me baby girl?"

Hearing his nickname for you started to turn you on. This was another thing about your relationship that no one knew about. And that was your daddy kink which Jordan indulged. You shuffle around on his lap grinding against him not so subtly, making him growl.

"I think I need to be punished, daddy."

Jordan's eyes darken and a seductive smirk crosses his lips.

"I want you prepared for daddy on your bus in two minutes baby girl."

You nod and get up off his lap noticing the bulge forming in his pants which you'd caused. He was going to make you sort that out later.

Running onto your bus you strip down to nothing and kneel by the sofa waiting for Jordan to punish you. The minutes felt like hours before Jordan opened the bus door and strode towards you. You made sure to keep your eyes on the floor because Jordan hadn't given you permission to make eye contact.

"So beautiful baby girl and all mine. Now I think ten spanks will be enough for tonight. So get over my knee and get ready to count."

Jordan sits down, and you get up and lay across his lap making sure to poke your bum up because it was Jordan's favourite part of your body. You feel his hand come down on your bum and you bite your lip.

"One, thank you, daddy."

"Good girl."

Jordan continues to spank you nine more times, and then he rubs your now red cheeks. You didn't need to be told what you had to do next, you had to fix Jordan's problem which you'd caused. Climbing off your boyfriends lap you kneel in front of him and part his legs, unzipping his trousers. He helps you by sliding his underwear down exposing his rather large problem.

Wrapping a hand around the base you start to pump him up and down slowly before lowering your mouth down taking as much of him in as you could, using your hand for the harder to reach areas when you had a dick in your mouth.

"Fuck...you're so good baby girl...look at daddy..."

Looking up you continue to bob up and down, and see the pride in Jordan's eyes. You really liked to please him. He tangles his fingers in your hair forcing you down further until his dick hits the back of your throat making you gag slightly but not enough to raise concern. Jordan had his eyes closed and head was thrown back.

"Swallow for your daddy baby girl."

Jordan comes in your mouth and you swallow before cleaning him and yourself off. You sit back on your heels and look back up at Jordan with wide innocent eyes.

"Did I do good daddy?"

He nods, "you did very good baby girl. Now how about we cuddle in your bunk?"

He gets up and picks you up with ease carrying you bridal style towards the bunk area. He pulls back the duvet and places you down in your bunk gently before he strips off and joins you.

"I love you Jordan."

He chuckles and kisses your forehead, "I love you more y/n."

"By the way, my band is still better than yours."

"Don't try my patience y/n."

Jordan's hands slide under the duvet and squeeze your bum making you squeal. You slap his hand away playfully and rest your head on his chest.

"Cuddle me Jordan."

Jordan cuddles you. And it doesn't take long before sleep consumes both of you.

Band Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now