ATL - Zack Merrick

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You were cleaning up your bedroom having cleaned the whole apartment when you feel a pair of hands cover your eyes from behind, making you jump backwards and stifle a scream as a familiar male voice howls with laughter.

'Don't fret, it's just me!' Zack laughs.

You remove his hands and punch him in the chest, 'you asshole, wear a bell or something next time you decide to sneak up on me.'

Zack grabs you around the waist, dips you back before kissing you quite passionately, 'I think you'd suit a bell more y/n. Now give me some love.'

As much as you want to kiss him back and sleep together, you had bigger fish to fry, and Zack turning up out of the blue had thrown a wrench in your perfect plan. You push yourself out of Zack's embrace and shake your head.

'You need to hide, my brother's coming over any minute now,' you hiss.

Zack's eyes widen, Alex was his best friend and bandmate as well as being your big brother, who was very protective and anti any relationship especially with any member of All Time Low. Alex could be a big cuddly goofball, but you didn't want to see his angry side because it had made many of your dates growing up cry like little babies, and you feared what he'd do to Zack if he found out.

'Hey sis, where are you?' Alex calls out from the lounge.

In a panic, you open your wardrobe and all but shove Zack inside and slam the door shut, 'I'll be out in a second brother.'

Walking into the lounge you embrace your brother and prey Zack stays hidden. Though you got a kick out of hiding him just like he hid the many girls that came before you, maybe he could use this time as reflection.


Thankfully Alex didn't stay too long, he had some things to drop off from your parents before having to go deal with his own business. You close the front door and lock it, peeping through the peephole watching until your brother got in his car and pulled away.

'I like being your dirty little secret Miss Gaskarth,' Zack whispers in your ear, making you jump back into his chest, but he simply picks you up and carries you towards the bedroom, 'now shall we pick up where we left off?'

You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, 'oh I know you're getting a kick out of this Merrick, sometimes I question you.'

One day you hoped you could share your relationship with your brother, but Zack had to prove that he loved you and wasn't just using you. Zack was taking your secret relationship seriously and Alex was slowly noticing small changes in his friend he approved of. Just how much longer you had to hide in the darkness you had no clue.

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