PTV - Vic Fuentes

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Burnt Lasagne


As you put the finishing touches to the last draft of your book in your study, you hear loud grumbles coming from the next room where Vic was meant to be cooking the two of you dinner. Closing the laptop you get up and exit the bedroom kind of nervous as to what you were going to find in the next room.

'Err Vic is everything okay in here?'

Vic was pacing up and down the kitchen with his head bowed and muttering ramblings under his breath. He hadn't even registered your appearance so you edge cautiously into the kitchen and make the brave move of standing in front of him to stop the pacing.

'Earth to Vic, what's wrong?'

He glances up at you and huffs loudly before clenching his fists, making you slightly uneasy since you'd never seen him this way before.

'Are you angry Vic?'

Vic huffs again, 'why would you say that y/n?'

You shuffle nervously, 'well you keep eyeing our knife rack and honestly, it's slightly unnerving.'

Vic's face immediately softens and he unclenches his fists, 'oh shit I'm sorry y/n. I didn't want you to ever see me like this.'

'you know you can tell me anything, Vic.'

He takes your hands in his and slowly swings them, 'I got a phone call off the label and they keep pushing for new music even though Misadventures hasn't even been out a year. That took four years and now they are being pushy.'

Sighing, you stop the hand swinging and pull your husband into a hug, 'Misadventures was a true labour of love Vic and is an amazing album. Don't let anyone dictate when you write music. It needs to come from your heart, Vic.'

Still holding your hands Vic pulls you into him and smashes his lips down on yours, 'this is why I love you y/n. You really are the best wife anyone could ask for, so supportive of everything I do.'

You giggle against his lips and kiss him back before the smell of burning hits your nostrils full-on, 'is something burning Vic?'

He curses, 'SHIT THE LASAGNE!'

Vic crouches down in front of the oven and you crouch down next to him eyeing up the now burnt lasagne in the oven, at least he'd given it his best shot.

'Let's order takeout and pig out in front of the TV in comfy clothes.'

Vic laughs and sits back on his heels, 'I like your thinking babe, I'll turn the oven off and you order us some Chinese.'

Clapping your hands together you get up and skip out of the kitchen to find the takeout menus you had stashed all around the house just in case you both got hungry in every room in the house.

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