*REQUESTED* ETF - Monte Money

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REQUESTED BY conanisnotbonan

(Mia is an OC - y/n version is on Tumblr - fangirl94stuff)

'We only have fifteen minutes before we're due on stage,' I gasp loudly, as Monte pushes me against the wall.

Monte smirks, 'I don't need fifteen minutes Mia, no one will find us here.'

I had been walking to the stage when a hand grabbed my wrist and I found myself being dragged down a couple of hallways until we came to a stop in a secluded corner. I would have had a heart attack if I hadn't recognised it was Monte dragging me. There wasn't a no-dating rule in the band but Monte and I were keeping our relationship secret, it kind of had more of a thrill to it that way.

Before I can make a snarky remark his lips are on my neck, and all sane thoughts leave my head. 

'Monte,' I moan, as he finds the sweet spot.

He hums against my neck before coming up for breath, 'did you get your hair done?'

I nod and bite my lip as his hands roam my body, 'I did, do you like it?'

'Red suits you, makes you even more irresistible,' he replies, leaning his forehead against mine so that our noses touched.

I liked my dark brown hair but wanted a change, I didn't want to change the whole colour so the hairdresser suggested highlights that I'd had on and off over the years of all different colours. I got red because Monte always said it was my colour and I knew this would drive him crazy and I was proven right.

'Enough talking, we only have thirteen minutes now,' I say, a little too eager.

Monte chuckles, and his eyes flash black for a split second, 'I bet you've been getting all hot and flustered, seeing me surrounded by female fans gaining all their attention, but remember I have eyes only for you Mia.'

I roll my eyes, 'stop talking.'

I initiate the kiss, running my fingers through his hair wanting to savour each second we had together. Yes, I did get jealous not being able to tell those horny bitches to keep their hands off my man, and I was going to make him remember why he chose me in the first place.


Craig's loud and surprised voice cuts through the kiss.

Monte lets go of me and raises his hands like he'd been caught committing a crime, 'it's not what it looks like man.'

I tap my foot on the floor and glare at my boyfriend before turning to face Craig, whose shock was fading, 'it's exactly what it looks like Craig, we're dating and have been since before the tour started, and no we are not going to stop dating. Understood?'

Craig nods his head, eyes wide, 'ok...cool...I'm going to go...'

It would get back to the rest of the band and crew about Monte and me within minutes of Craig knowing. But at least we wouldn't have to keep it secret, and could easily find ways to spice things up.

Monte stares at Craig, 'do you have anything else to add?'

Craig smirks, 'you have ten minutes,' he says in a cheery sing-song voice as he walks away.

As I run my fingers through my hair, Monte pushes me back up against the wall and I feel his breath on my neck, 'shall we pick up where we left off?'

Band Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now