OM&M - Alan Ashby

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I can't wait for this shift to be over, I swear tonight has been too quiet and we hate the q word.'

'Now you've jinxed us, Sarah,' you hiss, looking up from your phone with a wicked glare, which made your friend and colleague pout.

'Here it comes,' Jen groans, and points at the board above the nurse's station, which had suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree.

You pocket your phone and get up, only a couple of hours left in your shift, 'let's get to work boys and girls, people ain't going to fix themselves.'

Tonight you were second in command which meant you could assign nurses and doctors in the A&E. You begin dishing out bed numbers, making sure to keep the simple broken arm in bed 3 all to yourself.

'Okay Mr Ashby, I'm y/n and it says here you have a broken arm,' you call out, before entering the cubicle area with a smile. You might be tired but you loved your job.

On the bed in front of you sits a guy with ginger hair with his left arm across his chest in a makeshift sling, 'err hi, this is really painful.'

'How did it happen?' you ask, and stand next to him slowly taking off the sling.

He bows his head, 'err it's kind of embarrassing y/n, you can also call me Alan.'

Why did that name sound so familiar to you?

'Doctor-patient confidentiality Alan, this stays in A&E between us.'

Alan sighs, 'my band was performing, I got excited, and the audience wanted me to stage dive so I did, they caught me but then dropped me because they were drunk. But I managed to get back on stage and finish the set.'

You hum as you jot down notes, 'I know you don't need me to tell you that was kind of stupid Alan, but let's get this arm an x-ray and put it in a cast.'

You grab a passing nurse and put in an x-ray request before turning back to Alan, 'how many dates do you have left?'

Alan pouts, 'two, but I guess my tech can fill in.'

'What's the name of your band?' you ask, wanting to fill the time.

Alam perks up, 'we're called Of Mice And Men, have you heard of us?'

That's why his name sounded familiar, you snap your fingers, 'I use to listen to you guys all the time. I thought you looked familiar, a little different from the Warped Tour days.'

Alan laughs, 'those were different times. How long have you worked here?'

You put your clipboard down, 'at this hospital for three years, I love my job just like you do, but you'll never find me stage diving.'

Alan shakes his head, 'we're in town for a couple of days before the next show. You seem cool y/n. Would you and your boyfriend like to meet the band?'

You quirk an eyebrow, 'I don't have a boyfriend, bit random there Alan, did a nurse give you meds?'

The ginger smirks, 'how would you like to get coffee with me then?'

Realisation dawns on you what was happening and you can't help but laugh, 'smooth Alan, and I get off in a couple of hours.'

Alan grins, 'good because I need a nurse to keep an eye on me in case I do anything else stupid.'

You stop laughing, 'well good thing I can keep an eye on you. Now have you got any more embarrassing or funny tour stories to tell?'

Alan nods and sits back carefully on the bed trying not to move his arm, 'this one time two years--'

You stay with Alan through the x-ray and help get his cast on, which you promise to sign with your number if the coffee went well.

Band Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now