SWS - Justin Hills

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As you walk around your kitchen getting everything together for your valentine's meal with Justin your phone goes off on the counter next to you, and you smile seeing Justin's number.

'Don't tell me you got lost again, the shop isn't even that far away,' you joke, as you accept the call and put the phone to your ear.

On the other end Justin huffs, 'I get lost one time and you never let me forget it y/n.'

You laugh a little, 'more like twice, but why did you call? The takeouts just arrived by the way so I'll start plating it up.'

'I just wanted to let you know I've left the shop and am heading back so shouldn't be more than five minutes. I was a little confused about something but I think I figured it out myself,' he doesn't sound quite sure of himself but you don't question what confused him since he was meant to be getting soft drinks.

'Okay, see you soon. I love you.'

'Love you more,' he replies and hangs up the call.

You plate up the takeout and carry it into the lounge where you'd tried your hardest to decorate the coffee table to look romantic along with the room, but you only had a limited budget so you were stuck with candles, fairy lights and some fake flowers that looked nice.

Exactly five minutes later the front door opens and you walk over to check on Justin who was taking his shoes off and carrying two carrier bags.

'Do you think we're going to run out of drinks?' you joke.

He looks up at you with his cutest widest eyes that made a lot of people melt and holds up the bags proudly, 'tonight we celebrate, so I decided to make it a little bit fancier y/n.'

You take one of the bags off him and open it looking at the contents, 'err why did you get a bottle of red wine and a bottle of white wine?'

He brushes past you and grins widely, 'I don't know what kind of wine goes with takeout, so I kind of got both.'

You tilt your head towards him, 'and what's in the second bag?'

He opens the bag and pulls out a bottle of champagne, 'this looked good so I also got this. Tonight is going to get interesting.'

You can't keep the smile off your face at his adorableness and slightly flirty undertone. So you put the bag down, walk over to him and hug him, before pulling back to kiss him on the cheek which makes him blush, 'I love you Justin, don't ever change.'

He smirks and kisses you back, 'I love you y/n, and trust me I'm never going to change my weird ways.' 

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