MIW - Ryan Sitkowski

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I just wanted some peace and quiet from the rest of the band so I sneak away to the back lounge hoping to get some time to myself, however, my hopes are dashed upon entering to find y/n sat curled up on one of the sofas scrolling through their phone. y/n and I didn't get along, we always seemed to bash heads and come to pretty explosive shouting matches, why couldn't we have hired another drum tech instead of Chris agreeing to bring on Vinny's best friend because it would help Vinny settle in.

Before I can turn to leave y/n looks up from their phone and smirks, 'what if you pushed me against the wall and leaned in slowly to kiss me, Ryan?'

I stand frozen to the spot letting the door close, 'what? Why the fuck would I do that?'

y/n smiles and rolls their eyes, 'well Ryan, we are enemies.'

I fold my arms across my chest, 'yeah, and enemies don't--'

y/n puts their phone down, 'enemies to lovers do.'

'What the hell are you going on about y/n? Have you lost your mind,' I snap.

y/n motions to the phone, 'wow you should have seen your face, Ryan, chill I was reading fanfiction.'

I let out the breath I'd been holding, 'it's like we have two Vinny's on board. One of you will be the death of me.'

y/n throws their head back and laughs, 'how about we try the whole enemies to friends cliche then? We can't hate each other's guts this whole tour, plus it would freak the others out.'

I unfold my arms from across my chest and relax a little, even letting a small smirk grace my lips at the thought of freaking the others out if they saw y/n and I acting like friends, 'I guess we can give it a go y/n, how hard can it be?'

y/n jumps up and grabs their phone before brushing past me out of the back lounge, 'by the end of the tour we'll be friends to lovers,' they giggle and leave.

I shake my head, 'in your dreams y/n,' I call out.

I lean my head against the wall, what had I just gotten myself into? y/n was going to be the death of me.

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