SWS - Nick Martin

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Valentine's day is a day to show how much you love your significant other and vice versa. A day where too many feel pressured to buy the right gift and arrange the perfect romantic date night, kind of taking the love out of the day. This is why you and Nick decided on your second Valentine's together that your first one was perfect why not repeat the same traditions the next year, maybe with a change or two sprinkled in to spice things up. This would be your fourth Valentine's together.

Since you still didn't live together you wake up to a sweet declaration of love via text and you reply with something even sweeter.

As you leave your bedroom someone buzzes your intercom. Outside your door you find a delivery man holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, cliche but Nick knew how much you loved flowers and liked to have fresh ones in the apartment, along with a plain-looking cardboard box.

Inside the box is a box of your favourite chocolates, and a small ring box that opened to reveal a small guitar charm for the charm bracelet Nick had gotten you on your first Valentine's together, getting you a new charm each year that represented him so he'd always be with you.

Before you can send a photo to him of you enjoying the gifts Nick sends you one, showing off a box of his favourite chocolates and the custom guitar pick you had made with a camera on which like his charm to you, you got him a custom pick each year.

Today Nick told you Sleeping With Sirens had a photo shoot so he wouldn't be able to see you until the evening which you were fine with because you planned on ordering takeout and watching movies.

However, the intercom goes off again which confuses you because you weren't expecting anything or anyone else. Leaving your goodies in the lounge, you check the intercom to find a person in front of your door obscured because they were holding something in front of them. Usually, you wouldn't open the door but no one could get into your building unless they had a code or were buzzed in.

'Hello--' you say, as you open the door only to freeze upon coming face to face with a giant bear teddy.

'SURPRISE!' A familiar voice shouts.

'Nick?' You ask, confused.

The person brings down the teddy revealing Nick smiling brightly which made your morning.

'I don't have a schedule today so we can spend the whole day together, happy Valentine's y/n,' he says excitedly and thrusts the teddy at you, 'here's another cuddle buddy for you when I'm not around.'

Now, this was one way to spice up your Valentine's tradition, and spending the whole day together wasn't something you were going to complain about.

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