HU - J-Dog

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Broken Again


"y/n I'm home." I shout out through my girlfriend y/n's apartment after putting my bags down by the front door after coming back from tour.

I get no reply but can hear someone shuffling around in the kitchen so I head that way unsure why y/n was ignoring me. Maybe she had her music in or something. y/n was in the kitchen standing over the cooker without headphones in.

"Something smells good in here. Damn I missed your cooking; none of us can cook for shit on the bus."

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist before planting kisses on the side of her neck. y/n continues stirring the pit ignoring me and tries to move away from my kisses. Now this was strange behaviour even for y/n. Before tour she was all over me.

"Okay y/n, what's going on with you? Why are you ignoring me?"

I stand back and lean against the kitchen island with my arms folded over my chest.

y/n snorts, "you come back and all the sudden I'm broke again Jorel."

Now I was even more confused. Why was she broken? And what did it have to do with me? y/n turns off the cooker and faces me matching my stance.

"How did I break you y/n? I've been gone three months."

If looks could kill I'd be dead on the spot, y/n looked very angry.

"You love playing with my heart Jorel. Before you go on a tour and when you're back you're the picture perfect boyfriend. But the second you leave it's like I don't even exist and you ignore me. You don't reply to my messages and calls, so I have to get updates from the other guys to see that you're alive and well. Then you come back and act like nothing is wrong, I've had enough Jorel."

I listen to y/n's rant feeling more and more like a bad boyfriend with each passing second. I guess I hadn't really talked to her for three whole months, sometimes touring could be hectic and I got caught up in tour life and partying. The fact that she had spoken to the other guys to get updates on my wellbeing meant she cared about me, but I hadn't bothered to return the favour.

"Shit. I know an apology won't be good enough y/n and I don't have a good enough excuse for ignoring you."

She scoffs, "it won't be easy for me to forgive you this time Jorel. I made your favourite dish if you're hungry."

I watch as y/n walks out of the kitchen and goes towards her bedroom leaving me alone with my thoughts. I'd screwed up big time, and it was going to take a big thoughtful gesture to make it up to the girl I loved deeply.    

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