OM&M - Aaron Pauley

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'Hey guys, where's Alan?' you ask, entering the studio where the band were messing around.

Aaron looks up from his phone as you sit yourself down on his lap and he smiles, 'hey beautiful, replacing me with the ginger princess?'

'Oh Aaron no one will ever replace you silly,' you laugh and slap his chest.

Aaron shakes his head and goes back to his phone, while you lean your head on his shoulder. The two of you had been super close since alan introduced you to the band six years ago.

'He told me he's working on a song y/n,' Tino pipes up from across the room.

You furrow your eyebrows, 'I thought the album was finished.'

'It is, but Alan wanted to get something off his chest,' Phil says, from the chair next to the sofa you and Aaron occupied.

You start to play with Aaron's hair, 'do you think it's about a girl he likes? he has been spending a lot of time at that coffee shop.'

Aaron pats your knee, 'this could be good for him to get his feelings out in the open.'

Did it annoy you slightly that alan might get a girlfriend before you got a boyfriend, yes it did but it wasn't like you hadn't tried over the years. Aaron had become your person and you his, you had no boundaries and everything was on the table. After every bad date, you called one another and moaned about how the date couldn't be like either of you. No wonder Alan always joked that the two of you were perfect for one another, maybe he was jealous and needed you to give him more attention.

'Hey guys, I have something to say,' Alan calls out, entering the studio holding an acoustic guitar.

'No judgement from any of us, speak your mind,' Aaron says, putting his phone down and carefully readjusting you on his lap.

Alan rolls his eyes and sits down, 'I wrote a song about a boy and a girl who are perfect for one another, everyone wants them to be together but they are blind to their feelings towards one another--'

'If this girl can't see how perfect you are Alan I'm sure you'll find someone else, right Aaron,' you say, cutting off Alan.

Alan stares at you stunned, 'this song isn't about me and the girl from the coffee shop y/n, it's about you and Aaron.'

'What about me and y/n?' Aaron asks.

Tino sighs loudly, 'y/n, describe your perfect guy.'

You point at Aaron and smile, 'Aaron.'

'And Aaron now you describe your perfect girl,' Phil speaks up.

Was this a bit between the three of them or something?

Aaron pats your leg, 'easy, it's y/n.'

'So why aren't you two together? Everyone already thinks you are with how touchy-feely you are around one another,' Alan says calmly.

You and Aaron lock eyes, and after a few seconds it hits both of you and your eyes widen in sync, 'do you like me like me?' you both question in unison.

'Creepy,' Alan and Tino say together.

'Kind of cute,' Phil joins in.

Everything clicked into place, you couldn't be happy with anyone else because you always ended up comparing them to Aaron, the two of you really were clueless.

You blush, 'do you think we should give us a shot Aaron?'

He nods, 'I think we should y/n, we know everything about one another, this could be perfect.'

Before you can stop yourself, you find yourself kissing Aaron on the lips and it felt right, while around you Alan, Tino and Phil gagged.

'My precious eyes...' Alan says overdramatically.

You pull back from the kiss and Aaron smirks, 'my turn,' and he goes in for round two.

'Our eyes...our precious eyes...' Phil and Tino moan.

And that's how you and Aaron started dating. the rest of the guys made up a no kissing in front of them rule, but you and Aaron liked watching them squirm and reminding them that they made this happen.

Band Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now