*REQUESTED* Kellin Quinn & Denis Stoff

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Requested by burning_bandfreak

Drunken Joy


y/n Quinn, yes you are the daughter of Kellin Quinn. You loved your dad to pieces but sometimes he got a little too overprotective which made you want to rebel against him even more. Your best friend is Denis Stoff, who your dad doesn't approve of and calls a bad influence. But everyone needs a bad influence in their lives or their life would be boring and plain.

There was one downfall to being really close to Denis and that was the hate you received from fans. You already dealt with it on a daily basis, because some Sleeping With Sirens fans thought you weren't really Kellin's daughter and was faking it for attention. Luckily your dad came out and cleared it up with fans that he had in fact made you and you were a Quinn.

But as the years went on you knew your dad was getting more annoyed at having to defend you. He was your dad and was suppose to love you, but sometimes it felt like he put the fans first and his own flesh and blood second.

You were still under the legal drinking age but that didn't stop you sneaking out and having a good night on the town. And tonight Denis had persuaded you into coming to this new club with him not too far from his apartment. The drinks started flowing and before you knew it you were on the dance floor grinding against Denis and making out in between songs. He was addictive and you wanted more of him.

The two of you had a lot to drink and Denis talked you into crashing at his so your dad wouldn't be mad at you. Drunkenly you tried to take the sofa telling Denis he should sleep in his bed, but Denis started feathering kisses down your neck quite sloppily which made you reconsider his offer to join him in bed. And before you knew it the two of you were having unprotected sex.

After being ill for two weeks your dad made you go to the hospital, he said you better not be pregnant. Turns out you were, in fact, pregnant but the news didn't bring the joy you expected. You wanted to tell your dad, but you'd broken his one rule. And before you could even consider telling Denis the news he was off touring. No one really loved you anymore, the only thing that mattered now was your baby and making sure they had the best life that could, even if it meant running away. You didn't want to be around Denis who only saw you as a friend and your dad who hated Denis's guts.

That night you packed a bag, called your best friend who had mentioned her band was looking for a new vocalist and spilled everything to her. She agreed that you could move in with her in New York, and because you'd been friends for over nine years she would help you with the babies.

~3 Years Later~

"Denis, Gabby I'm home."

Your three year old twins Denis and Gabby run from the kitchen and into your open arms as you crouch down by the front door.

"Mummy we missed you."

You kiss your daughter on the head and ruffle your sons' hair who looked shockingly like his father.

"Mummy has some big news."

Denis claps his hands together while Gabby stares at you with curiosity in her eyes.

Your band Bulletproof Heart had been offered a spot on Warped Tour and you'd agreed as a band to go, and they were more than happy for you to bring the twins along because as a band they practically raised them with you.

"We're going to be going on a trip this summer all around America, and you'll get to see mummy perform every day. Would you like that?"

They both squeal and hug you, nearly squeezing you too tight. They got their death grip hugs off you.

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