TAA - Joel Birch

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Tonight you were waiting for a call off Joel. He was currently halfway through a three-month tour and it was safe to say that you missed him. Joel had messaged you earlier in the day asking if you were down to have phone sex when the rest of the band left the bus. You'd never done it before but agreed because you both needed to get off.

Your phone goes off and Joel's name flashes on the caller ID, which makes you pick up immediately.

"Hi, babe I've missed you."

"Fuck y/n I've missed your voice," Joel replies on the other end. When he swore in the bedroom it turned you on and he knew it.

You chew your lip, "I was thinking about you last night before I went to sleep...i got so turned on thinking about the last time we had sex..."

Joel's voice hitches, "oh fuck I need you y/n. If there wasn't a phone between us I'd have you tied up to the bed and fuck you so hard your pretty lips would be raw from screaming my name."

You hear the telltale sound of a zip being undone and know Joel was going to pleasure himself, and you were envious that it wasn't your hand or mouth pleasuring him.

His words were getting you turned on, but unlike him, you were already naked from the waist down, so two could play the pleasure game.

"Tell me what you want me to do y/n," Joel orders.

You sigh blissfully, "I want you to kiss me from my lips, down my neck marking me as yours, onto my breasts and then all down my body until your tongue finds my wet clit and eats me out."

"Fuck I need to see you touching yourself y/n. Turn on the camera."

You oblige and turn the camera on being greeted by Joel jerking himself off. You slowly plunge two fingers inside yourself and start to pump in and out.

"You're so beautiful y/n," Joel almost moans down the phone.

"I'd rather it was you inside me, Joel."

He hums, "add another finger and go faster y/n, I want to see you come."

You add a third finger and pump faster, pulling a moan from between your lips. Over your moans, you hear Joel jerking faster.

"Fuck Joel I'm going to come," you say breathing heavily.

"Come for me!" He demands, and you feel the tension leave your stomach as a wave of pleasure comes over you.

You watch Joel finish, and you roll over onto your front and use the pillow to prop the phone up, "we should do this again sometimes Joel."

He chuckles, "of course. Fuck I'm lucky to have you y/n."

You blush, "right back at you. Now I hate to cut this short but I need to check on our son."

Joel smiles warmly, "give him a kiss from me. I'm going to clean myself up y/n before the others come back. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Joel," you hang up. The things he talked you into.

Band Imagines Part 2Where stories live. Discover now