MIW - Vinny Mauro

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Knitting Injury


"Vinny I'm home. Damm those shops were heaving. We probably should have started our Christmas shopping earlier, but I put up a good fight and got everything on the list."

You struggle to carry the countless bags through the front door but you succeed and pat yourself on the back once dumping them in the hallway. Vinny had wanted to stay behind to continue making his Christmas presents. He'd been watching knitting videos like an old woman and insisted on knitting scarves for all our close friends.

"y/n I had an accident," Vinny shouts from the lounge.

You run into the room to see Vinny sat on the floor surrounded by half knitted scarves and multicoloured knitting materials everywhere holding his left hand up to his chest.

"What happened?"

He chuckles nervously, "I was trying to knit everyone scarves for Christmas...so, that's how I think I might have strained my wrist because it really hurts to move y/n."

Being a trained first aider you kneel down in front of him avoiding the many knitting needles and gently take his left hand in yours to examine it. The smallest of movements Vinny flinches, he was right about straining his wrist and would need some ice.

"Stay here and I'll get you some ice to put on it, no more knitting for tonight Mr or the next couple of days for that matter."

He pouts, "but I need to get them finished y/n."

You stand up and shake your head, "Chris's party isn't until next Friday so you'll have plenty of time to finish them, babe, I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore."

Entering the kitchen you take some frozen peas out of the freezer and wrap them in a towel before bringing them back to Vinny who was now sat on the sofa still cradling his wrist.

"What would I do without you looking after me y/n?"

He flinches as you place the peas on his wrist.

"Most likely kill yourself if I'm being honest babe, you are very accident prone when left unsupervised."

You find a blanket and throw it over the two of you since the apartment was slightly cold because the heater needed fixing.

Vinny snorts, "That's exactly what Ricky and Ryan said."

You roll your eyes and cuddle against your boyfriend, happy to have been introduced through Devin just over a year ago.

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