PTV - Jaime Preciado

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It was another beautiful morning in San Diego. The morning was always your favourite time of day because there were no crowds. Only the locals were out right now walking, running or heading to work. You'd moved here two years ago and considered yourself a local and everyone had kind of accepted you.

You'd always loved animals, especially dogs. Until you could find a job that paid well you helped out locals by walking dogs morning and evening and had quite a following. So today you were walking three dogs which you considered a light morning when usually you'd walk five or six of all various breeds and sizes.

There was Corey the dalmatian, Kyle the Bulldog, and the rowdy Harry who was a golden retriever who liked to play up. You had Corey and Kyle's leashes in one hand and Harry in the other because you never knew what he was going to do.

Just then a cyclist comes by really fast making you jump out of the way. You manage to hold onto Corey and Kyle, but in a split second Harry's leash slips from your hand and he dashes across the park.

'Oh shit,' you curse, 'Harry get back here!' you shout, running after the energetic dog.

There was a guy walking through the park and Harry runs up to him barking playfully, dancing around his feet until he stumbles and falls onto the grass. Harry starts jumping on the poor guy and you can't stand back and watch because it was your fault.

'Harry, get off him right now!' you shout sternly, stopping in front of the scene.

Harry ignores you and continues playing around. Luckily the guy didn't seem angry, instead, he plays back with Harry showering him with attention.

'Oh my god I'm so sorry, a cyclist came at me and I let go of his leash,' you speak quite flustered.

'No problem,' he replies laughing and gets up from the grass, keeping a hold of Harry.

Your eyes widen realising who Harry had tackled, it was Jaime Preciado from Pierce The Veil. You saw him from time to time on your walks, more so over the past couple of weeks but never had the courage to approach him.

'You're that dog walking chic, shit, I'm Jaime by the way. I see you walking quite often.'

He extends his free hand which you shake and smile, 'you can call me y/n. I'm so sorry about Harry, he loves attention.'

Jaime chuckles nervously, 'this is going to sound dumb but I've been looking for an excuse to talk to you. I see you when I'm on the way to the studio to record.'

I shake my head, 'I wouldn't want to get in the way of your band, Jaime. Maybe Harry here knows something we don't.'

On cue, Harry barks and Jaime rubs his head, 'thank you, Harry. Would you maybe like to get a drink sometime y/n?'

You blush and bite your lip, 'I would like that a lot, Jaime. Do you want my number?'

He nods, 'that would be great, here's my phone.'

He hands you his phone and you type your number in and next to your name you put a puppy emoji for laughs.

'Well, I'll be waiting for your call Jaime. But I really should get these guys home.'

'Here's your dog back y/n. And I will message you before someone else does,' he replies, handing Harry back to you.

You watch Jaime walk off in the opposite direction, so you quickly leave the park and continue your walk, giving Harry a treat for bagging you a date with a cute guy.


You were sitting in front of the TV in a pair of sweats and a loose tank relaxing when your phone vibrates on the arm of the sofa. You pick it up and squeal seeing a message off Jaime, just like he promised.

JAIME: Hello dog girl I told you I'd get in touch. How about drinks tomorrow night at 8

Y/N: Hello band guy I would love to get drinks. I'll send you my address

JAIME: See you tomorrow night y/n

Okay now, your evening was complete. Maybe you'd continue dog walking if it got you this kind of attention.

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