ETF - Craig

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'Mum I look stupid, why do I have to wear a dress? I've known the Mabbitts my whole life and all we're having is lunch with them,' you moan, as you stare at yourself in the mirror and the floral dress your mum had forced you into.

Your mum tuts behind you, 'You're a grown-up y/n, it's time you started dressing like one, plus I think Craig will like it.'

At the mere mention of your best friend's name, you feel your cheeks blush beneath the makeup, and you nearly smudge the lipstick you were applying, 'gross mum, why would you even say that? It's Craig.'

Your mum rolls her eyes, 'I know true love when I see it y/n. You've been friends for years but trust that mother knows best.'

Before you can question her she leaves wearing a huge smile. Yes, you'd developed feelings for Craig but surely your childhood friend wouldn't feel the same way, and you didn't want to ruin this friendship. Plus he was in a band and could have any girl he wanted, so why would he look at his best friend? You curl the ends of your hair and finish touching up your makeup, wanting to get this lunch over with.

You fire off a quick message to Craig, asking if his mum was also being odd. He replies immediately confirming your suspicion that both sets of parents were up to something. He hadn't long come off tour so this would be your first time seeing him in three months. But he always made time to reply to your messages and vice versa.


'Craig come down, they are here,' mum calls out from downstairs, and I hear it loud and clear since my bedroom door was open.

'Coming,' I shout back.

Anyone can relate to feeling awkward revisiting their childhood bedroom, especially when everything had been kept the same. After the tour, I liked to visit my parents but wasn't expecting them to announce that y/n was also back visiting family. Our parents knew each other so when we were old enough the two of us were thrown together. y/n was my confidant and had been by my side through the good, the bad and the ugly never leaving me alone. It was a little cliche to fall for your friend but with all my baggage y/n would never see me as more than a friend and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I head downstairs and have to stop myself from cursing along with keeping my balance as I see y/n for the first time in three months. If I had feelings then they had just gone through the roof, because y/n looked breathtaking in a halterneck floral dress that showed off all her good parts, when I was used to seeing her dressed casually.

'Hi Craig long time no see, how was tour?' y/n asks, snapping me out of my trance.

I gulp, 'tour was great, it's good to see you again y/n.'

Mum clears her throat, 'Is that all you have to say, Craig? I think y/n looks beautiful.'

y/n shuffles on the spot, 'Err thanks Mrs Mabbitt.'

Her mum nudges her, ''Why don't you and Craig catch up y/n while the adults talk?'

Okay, something was going on here and I didn't like not knowing, 'Sure, we can go to my room.'

'Should we tell them to keep the door open?' my dad jokes.

y/n's dad smirks, 'I don't think we want to hear whatever goes on so they can keep the door shut.'

y/n is full-on tomato face as she rushes up the stairs. We leave our cringey parents and go into my room, shutting the door.

'What the actual hell Craig, are they on drugs?' y/n says loudly and flops down on the bed.

I run my fingers through my hair, 'my mum was right about one thing y/n, you do look beautiful in that dress. Trying to impress someone?'

y/n sits upright and stares at me with wide eyes, 'who would I be trying to impress? My mum forced me into this,' they scoff, denial thick in their voice.

y/n was an awful liar and that continued into adulthood. I laugh as I sit down next to them on the end of the bed, 'are you hiding something from me y/n?'

'No I'm not,' they reply and scoot away from me.

I scoot after them smirking at how easy they still were to embarrass, 'You can tell me anything y/n.'

y/n shakes their head, 'I'm good Craig but--'

'Watch Out!' I call out and reach for y/n as they fall off the bed, but they take me with them.

y/n ends up beneath me, our bodies and faces close. Just then the bedroom door opens.

'Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for disturbing you,' my mum gasps.

'Mum it's not what it looks like,' I state, turning to face her. I was an adult and shouldn't feel embarrassed.

Mum grins, 'Sure honey, you kids take all the time you need. Though lunch will be in half an hour.'

y/n laughs beneath me as mum leaves, closing the door behind her.

'Shut up, it's not funny y/n,' I grumble.

y/n continues to laugh, 'Make me Craig.'

'Okay,' I say calmly and y/n stops laughing.

I lean down and kiss their lips and y/n gasps in shock giving me easier access, but they then kiss me back. It looked like friendship was out of the picture now. y/n pulls back first and bites their lip.

'Is this really happening?' they ask in a whisper.

I hum, 'Yes. I've wanted to kiss you for a long time.'

'Our parents won't ever let us live this down Craig,' y/n snorts.

I can't help but chuckle at the truth in that statement, we would never live this down, but right now we had thirty minutes to kill. y/n sees the wheels turning in my head and hits me in the chest.

'Hell no Craig unless your door has a lock on!' they hiss.

'Then how about we kiss some more?' I suggest.

y/n nods, 'Then kiss me, Craig.'

Let's just say the next thirty minutes are spent kissing, catching up and cuddling. when we were staying with our parents we agreed to no sex, this trip couldn't come to an end quickly enough for the two of us.

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