TAA - Joel Birch

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We'd just come off a four-month tour and I wanted nothing more than to relax and let loose for a few hours, and there was one person I could rely on to help me relax and that was my best friend y/n.

Her car was in her spot so I simply walk up to her apartment front door and let myself in with key y/n had given me when she first moved in.

"Honey I'm home," I call out jokingly, shutting the door behind me.

Shuffling sounds from down the hall in the lounge, and seconds later a guy comes huffing out buttoning up his shirt, "y/n you didn't tell me you already had a boyfriend," he growls, pushing past me and out of the apartment.

y/n appears seconds later glaring at me, "having you as a best friend is simultaneously the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me Joel, I hope you know that."

I pout, "I'm not that bad y/n."

y/n stops glaring at me and rolls her eyes, "I'm never going to find a boyfriend if you always cock block me, Mr Birch."

y/n walks back into the lounge and I follow after her laughing under my breath at her overdramatic nature. y/n had thrown herself on the sofa and I choose to take the armchair knowing she'd probably just had sex on the sofa.

"If a guy's not going to let you explain that we're merely friends then he's not good enough for you y/n."

y/n rolls over to face me, "I guess you're right Joel. I'm just lonely. With you gone I need to fill my time."

I smile warmly, "well I'm back now y/n so you're not alone. And I promise while I'm back I'm going to help you find true love."

y/n sits up and fixes her sex hair, "thanks Joel, now let me get dressed into something more casual and we'll watch a film. I know you like to relax after a tour."

All I do is a nod. y/n quickly leaves the lounge, and I set about turning on the TV and Netflix so I could find some crappy film to put on while we most likely talked over it wanting to catch up.

"We can cuddle on the sofa Joel."

y/n reappears wearing one of my jumpers and a pair of joggers. I shake my head as she makes herself comfortable on the sofa with a blanket, "I'm good in the armchair y/n, you've just had sex on the sofa."

y/n chuckles, "no, we had sex in the armchair, I wanted to try something different."

My eyes widen and y/n pats the spot on the sofa next to her, and I curse my best friend playfully under my breath, "You're one of a kind y/n. The best and worst thing to ever happen to me, I hope you know that."

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