ATL - Zack Merrick

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After a long day of rehearsing for an upcoming tour, I wanted nothing more than to come home and put my feet up, and spend time with y/n. However, when I walked through the front door I wasn't expecting to relax anytime soon. y/n was crouched on the bottom step of the stairs having a stare-off with a pretty big spider which was in the middle of the hallway blocking them on the stairs.

y/n didn't scare easily but spiders were their weakness. It was a pretty common phobia and one of y/n's endearing traits because they gave you, even more, love and attention when you saved them.

y/n looks up at me with wide eyes and puts a finger to their lip, 'we don't want to scare him, Zack,' they whisper.

I play along trying not to laugh, 'would you like me to get rid of it y/n?'

y/n nods. I manage to walk around the spider and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and a piece of paper before making my way back into the hallway and the intense standoff.

'Shouldn't you kill it Zack so it doesn't come back in?' y/n questions, disbelief in their voice that I was going to save the spider and simply put it outside.

I shake my head, crouch down, put the glass over the spider and slide the paper beneath it, 'see y/n it can't hurt you.'

As I stand back up y/n gets up and cautiously shuffles towards me, 'I know I should face my demons Zack and get this over with, but when your demon looks like that I can't concentrate.'

I laugh as I take the spider outside and throw it in the bush at the end of the driveway to prove to y/n that it wouldn't come back into the house anytime soon. Going back inside I shut the front door and y/n hugs me.

'Thank you, Zack, I love you,' she says, a big smile on their face.

I hug them back, 'I like how soft this makes you y/n, maybe never face your demons so I can play the hero.'

y/n huffs, 'I'm not soft I'm a badass.'

I smirk and pat their head, 'okay you're a badass. How do you cope when I'm on tour?'

y/n looks up at me with a twinkle in their eyes, 'if it's small I let it have control of the room, but if it's big and not blocking my way I go next door and they deal with it.'

I shake my head at the lengths y/n would go to, but now the spider was gone I wanted to relax, 'what are we going to do for the rest of the evening y/n?'

y/n pulls out of the hug and smirks, 'you're going to relax while I cook your favourite meal, and then we can cuddle.'

I rub my hands together, 'sounds good to me y/n.'

y/n walks in the direction of the kitchen while I enter the lounge. However, in the corner of my eye, I swear I see something scurry across the floor heading towards the kitchen. I'd find out in a few minutes if we had another eight-legged friend. So I sit down on the sofa and turn on the tv, I wanted to relax before playing the hero again.

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