PVRIS - Lynn Gunn

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Today was the day you were moving into a new apartment with your girlfriend Lynn. You'd been waiting for her to come back from tour so you could move in together and make the day special.

"Before we go inside I want to do something y/n." Lynn laughs, grabbing your attention before you could turn the key in the front door.

You go to question Lynn, when she picks you up bridal style motioning for you to unlock the front door. She then walks over the threshold into your new apartment.

"I can't wait for the day I get to carry you over the threshold as a married couple y/n."

You awe, "I have the cheesiest girlfriend in the whole world. I love you so much Lynn."

Lynn chuckles and starts to carry you through the unfurnished lounge towards your new bedroom. However when you kick open the door you both see a half finished bed frame.

"Looks like we have some unfinished business first y/n. Then we can have cuddles and kisses."

She puts you back down on your feet. You run your hand through your hair and wonder just how hard it could be to finish the bed frame.

~30 Minutes Later~

"Ah fuck."

You stub your toe on the corner of the bed and throw the screwdriver down on the floor. Lynn chuckles as you hop around on one foot cursing everything under the sun.

"I'm useless Lynn."

Lynn shakes her head and gets back to her feet, "you're not useless y/n. DIY isn't your thing, now come over here you silly girl."

She opens her arms wide and you shuffle over to her, walking into her welcoming embrace. You wrap your arms around her waist and she does the same to you.

"We don't need a bed to cuddle and kiss y/n."

Lynn leans forwards and captures your lips in a sweet loving gesture, instead of rough and passionate like she usually was when back from tour. You kiss her back savouring what you'd missed these last three months, and knowing in the back of your head that she was all yours for the next two months before you joined PVRIS on their next tour.    

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