MIW - Vinny Mauro

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'Hey y/n I have a question since you've dated Vinny since high school,' Chris speaks up from the front lounge of the bus where y/n was sat scrolling through their phone.

I was in the bunk area but the door to the front lounge was open, and I was curious what Chris wanted to ask y/n about our relationship.

'What would you like to know Chris?' y/n asks jokingly.

Chris chuckles, 'last tour we exchanged first kiss stories but Vinny refused. Now you're here maybe we can get some answers.'


'Mum, y/n's coming over to help me study.'

Mum pops her head around the kitchen door as I kick off my shoes by the front door, 'y/n's been coming over a lot recently Vinny. Is there something you're not telling your parents?' she jokes.

I feel my cheeks blush knowing what my mum was implying, 'shut up.'

'Be kind to the boy, he's in love and doesn't know it,' dad says calmly emerging from the living room.

I shake my head, 'I can't love y/n, they don't love me.'

Mum awes, 'you need to make the first move Vinny. Trust me y/n likes you a lot.'

Before I can reply someone knocks on the front door. With my parent's words going through my head I nervously open the front door, coming face to face with a smiling y/n.

'Sorry I had to grab a different textbook. Aren't you going to invite me in Vinny?'

I step aside and y/n walks in, slipping off their shoes before waving at my parents. I close the door and glare at my dad who shoots me thumbs up.

y/n and I head up to my bedroom. However, I was nervous and overthinking being alone in a room with y/n. Mum said they liked me but I'd have to make the first move because in films and TV the guy always made the first move.

'Do you want to tackle math or history first Vinny?' y/n asks, their back turned to me sorting through notes next to my desk.

I take a deep breath, walk up to them and tap their shoulder, 'y/n.'

They turn around, 'yeah.'

'I'm gonna kiss you now.'

'Okay,' y/n replies.'

I cup their face and bring my lips down on theirs quite rough and very sloppy since I'd never kissed anyone before. y/n just stands with their hands by their side letting me kiss them.

After a minute I pull back and blush, 'I like you, do you like me?'

y/n nods, 'I like you, Vinny. I want you to kiss me again.'


'We were two young, awkward and horny teenagers. The kissing got a lot better,' y/n says, ending the story of our first kiss.

Chris claps his hands together, 'that's cute, the others will love this.'

y/n catches my eye and mouths 'I love you' so I smile and mouth the same back since it was true. Everyone had awkward first kisses, I was just happy y/n said it had gotten better over the years.

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